Research Stations
North Carolina State University, in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS), operates 18 research stations across the state where scientists and students test research in real-world scenarios under natural conditions.
With crop and livestock facilities serving as a platform for agricultural research, scientists test tools, varieties and methods to make farming more efficient, productive and profitable, while maintaining a sound environment and providing consumers with safe and affordable products.
How to View the Map
Each red dot on the map represents a research station. Click on a red dot to open a lightbox and watch a video about the research station. To learn more, you can visit each research station’s page from the lightbox.
Each blue dot represents a field laboratory. Click on the dot to learn more about each field lab in North Carolina.
The Power of Partnerships
The partnership between North Carolina State University and NCDA&CS is essential for the existence and smooth operation of the research station network. The partners operate each station jointly and host myriad projects by university researchers, state and federal partners, and specialists from NC Cooperative Extension, a partnership between NC State and North Carolina A&T State University.

From disease-resistant cultivars to sustainable livestock production methods, the North Carolina state research station network is a critical proving ground for innovative solutions for agriculture.
NC State scientists and students work in labs and greenhouses to discover new knowledge and refine existing systems to improve agriculture. The research stations and university field labs provide important test sites throughout the state to refine and apply these ideas into solutions farmers can use throughout the state.
They are the host sites for much of the research conducted at N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative and NC State’s Food Animal Initiative.
other research facilities
NC Research stations
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Central Crops
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Visit Cherry Research Station
Horticultural Crops
Visit Horticultural Crops Research Station, Castle Hayne
Horticultural Crops, Clinton
Visit Horticultural Crops Research Station, Clinton
Lower Coastal Plain/Cunningham
Visit Lower Coastal Plain Research Station
Mountain Horticultural Crops
Visit Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station
Visit Mountain Research Station
Oxford Tobacco
Visit Oxford Tobacco Research Station
Peanut Belt
Visit Peanut Belt Research Station
Visit Piedmont Research Station
Visit Sandhills Research Station
Visit Tidewater Research Station
Visit Umstead Research Station
Upper Coastal Plain
Visit Upper Coastal Plain Research Station
Upper Mountain
Visit Upper Mountain Research Station
Upper Piedmont
Visit Upper Piedmont Research Station