Research Resources
Highlighting the benefits of our research.
Beyond financial resources, we offer faculty guidance to highlight the benefits of their research when applying for grants and endowments.
Check out these resources to see the incredible projects we are undertaking.
Projects funded by commodity groups
Patents filed
New commercialization agreements
Proposal Development Support
We assist faculty with proposal planning and development, working closely with the NC State Proposal Development Unit (PDU) and the pre-award consultants in the CALS Contracts and Grants Office.
Grants and Endowments
CALS grants and endowments, often gifts from impassioned alumni and retired faculty, help faculty bring innovative – often interdisciplinary – research and teaching ideas to fruition.
Big Ideas Funding
Vision: The creation of organizational culture, process and infrastructure in CALS that cultivates the strategic partnerships and collaborations necessary for the generation, development, and sustainment of faculty-driven big ideas in research, teaching and Extension.
George J. and Rhoda W. Kriz Study Leave Award
All CALS faculty are encouraged to take study leave. To encourage such leave, George J. and Rhoda W. Kriz established an endowment for off-campus scholarly assignments.
Award Amount
Up to two awards of $5,000 are available each year to support study leave.
Any CALS faculty member with approved study leave at an out-of-state location.
Nomination and Selection
Submit applications to NCARS on or before the third Friday in November of each fiscal year.
The Kriz Award can be used as leverage to obtain other support for the study leave.
Application Materials
- An application in the form of a cover letter that describes where and with whom the study leave will be, how the leave will enhance the applicant’s program, and how the leave will be of benefit to the college.
- NC State University Scholarly Assignment Leave Form.
- Curriculum vitae (two pages maximum). Include in the CV: (a) up to 10 publications — five most significant and five from the last five years, (b) current grant support, and (c) a list of previous sabbatical leaves (dates, length and location).
Apply to
NC Agricultural Research Service
201 Patterson Hall, Box 7643
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7643
Peter Vantine
Everett W. Byrd Endowment
In 1990, Mr. Everett W. Byrd, a Bladen County peanut farmer, established an endowment for “the purpose of enhancing the teaching, research and public service functions of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University.”
Mr. and Mrs. Byrd requested that the funds from the endowment be used for peanut research.
Please submit one copy of your proposal in a format similar to that for commodity proposals.
Email the proposal (as an MS Word document) to Cindy Conyers by the second Friday in April.
Note: The North Carolina Agricultural Foundation has agreed to provide the family information each year on how the funds are used, so a progress report is necessary by the end of the award year.
NCALS Research Foundation Innovation Fund Grant
The NC Agricultural and Life Sciences (NCALS) Research Foundation seeks to increase public and private support to enhance research programs and create new opportunities for CALS faculty, staff and students to innovate and pursue excellence in research. The NCALS Research Foundation seeks proposals for entrepreneurial research projects in new, high-impact, interdisciplinary research areas in which a short-term investment by the Foundation will have a high probability of leading to larger funding opportunities. Examples would include: testing a high-risk/high-reward idea, proof of concept to move preliminary results forward for a specific funding opportunity, and/or innovative, interdisciplinary projects following up on or moving toward invention disclosures.
View the RFP and submit proposals through InfoReady Review, NC State’s internal grant management software.
Student Awards and Honors
Funding opportunities and recognition for students.
E.G. Moss Fellowship
Look for the call for applications and application forms in March of each year. More details will be available in the call for applications.
Nominations are due in May each year. Nominations may be made for master’s and Ph.D. candidates and for graduate students who are working on a project related to tobacco. The recipient only needs to have one year remaining in the graduate program to receive the fellowship. Disbursement amounts may vary.
A faculty committee ranks the nominations, and this ranking is used to award graduate student salary supplements from the following sources (as funds and students become available):
- Fred Bond Scholarship
- Lorillard Tobacco Company
- Philip Morris USA
- RJR Tobacco Company
- Gold Leaf Seed Company
The E.G. Moss Fellowship is available to recipients in July.
Kenneth R. Keller Award

After Kenneth Keller’s retirement from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) in 1979, faculty, friends, and industry established the Kenneth R. Keller Research Award Endowment in the Agricultural Foundation of North Carolina State University to honor his work for the University and North Carolina’s agricultural development. The income from this endowment is used to recognize excellence in doctoral dissertation research in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Each graduate program offering the Ph.D. degree in CALS is eligible to nominate one individual from among their Ph.D. graduates or candidates who completed their thesis defense examination between January 1 and December 31 of that current year. Evaluations will be based on the quality of the work as presented in the thesis without prejudice to discipline within the college.
The committee to select the recipients of the Kenneth R. Keller Award consists of members of the Academy of William Neal Reynolds Professors. Committee members will be chosen after the nominations have been received to ensure some familiarity with the research areas. Each year the Kenneth R. Keller Research Award is made to the recipients at the Gamma Sigma Delta spring banquet.
Past Recipients – Last Five Years
- 2024 – Nicole Choquette and Emmanuel Lozada-Soto
- 2023 – Imani Madison
- 2022 – Débora Holanda
- 2021 – Charles Wagner and Mike Jones
- 2020 – Rebecca Poole
Imani Madison Honored with 2023 Kenneth R. Keller Award