Established in 1910, the Oxford Tobacco Research Station brings together researchers from NC State and other organizations to increase tobacco and crop production efficiency, tobacco quality, and to identify crop management systems that conserve and protect water. The 426-acre station houses greenhouses, a headhouse, an insect-rearing building and a new laboratory.
What We Do
Flue-Cured Tobacco
Scientists conduct applied research in areas related to germplasm (the genetic material from which new plants can be grown), agronomy and pathology. In addition, they study various ways to improve organic tobacco production such as evaluating plant nutrition methods, crop physiology, greenhouse production, weed management and more. The station also hosts variety evaluations, where many different varieties are grown side-by-side to see which is most suited to the environment and produces the best product.
Stevia, a perennial herb used to make a low-calorie sweetener, is a new potential crop for North Carolinians. Stevia production requires much of the same equipment needed for growing tobacco or peanuts. NC State researchers at the station are working to develop cultivars that will succeed in the southeast United States. They are also studying how to optimize the breeding program; test its resistance to disease, lodging and cold stress; and discern the best methods for seed storage and germination.
A versatile and renewable crop, soybeans are grown in every county of North Carolina and help meet food, feed and fuel demands around the world. NC State scientists combine field and lab approaches to determine effective fungicides and fungicide programs for soybeans. They also evaluate seed treatments that may help reduce yield losses due to soybean nematodes, a group of parasitic roundworms that attack plants.
Organic Tobacco: Off to a Good Start
Matthew Vann, a regular at the Oxford Tobacco Research Station, has been working to take the guessing game out of one of the most important steps in organic tobacco production: how best to fertilize seedlings.
Researchers tried seven different fertilizer regimens for organic tobacco seedlings.
For more than 75 years, the Research Stations Division has worked with the National Weather Service (NWS) to provide accurate, statewide weather data. When you hear and see local and national weather reports, you can be sure meteorologists and climatologists are using information gathered from our stations.
The Tobacco Field Day (formerly Tobacco Tour) hosts farmers, researchers and industry partners for tours and presentations on such topics as agronomy, insect and disease management and curing/mechanization. Date: on a rotating basis.
Blueberry Pruning Demonstration
Free and open to the public, the Blueberry Pruning Demonstration covers varieties, site selection, soil preparation, pruning mature blueberry bushes and planting “stool” plants (shoots from the base of existing blueberries). Attendees should bring pruning tools and a shovel.
Contact Us
Oxford Tobacco Research Station Christopher H. Jernigan, CCA Superintendent 300 Providence Road Oxford, NC 27565 (919) 693-2483