
Sep 14, 2021  |  Extension

New Sports Turf Management Book Levels the Playing Field

Turfgrass expert Grady Miller has co-authored a new, comprehensive guide to help Carolina sports field managers grow and maintain their athletic fields. 

Jun 21, 2021  |  Extension

New Extension Podcast Puts Crop Expertise In Your Pocket

Crop Sense is Morgan’s new agricultural podcast that provides current, topical expertise on North Carolina field crops. “The information is similar to what’s covered in-depth at a winter meeting, but it comes out during the season and tackles topics that are top of mind for NC growers.”

Apr 20, 2021  |  Extension

Sesame Research is on a Roll in NC

A tasty little seed holds great promise for North Carolina grain growers if it holds up to the hype.

Mar 15, 2021  |  Grower Spotlight

Sullivan Farm: Allies in Agricultural Gains

Jay and Jarman Sullivan tend over 800 acres of corn, wheat, and soybeans- just the two of them. They are able to manage at this scale because of an intense focus on farm efficiency and crop variety research.

Feb 18, 2021  |  Extension

NC Youth Institute Open for High School Applicants

2021 North Carolina Youth Institute enrollment is open for high schoolers interested in global challenges of food insecurity, potable water, poverty, human rights, and engineering.

Jan 25, 2021  |  Research

Big Data’s FRST Step In Environmental Stewardship

Soil testing is the main way growers assess specific soil nutrient status and evaluate supplemental needs. Soil science researcher Deanna Osmond and team thinks it’s time to loose the power of big data to address one of agriculture’s most nagging issues, nutrient management.  

Nov 9, 2020  |  Extension

Grady Miller: Helping Turfgrass Managers on the Route to Field Recovery

March’s COVID-19 shutdown caught everyone off guard. There was little time to prepare for closings and no one knew how long they would last. Many turfgrass managers and municipal employees were suddenly told to go home.

Nov 2, 2020  |  Graduate Students

Graduate Students Maintain Momentum Through Research

Time has been a tale of two dimensions in 2020: hurry up and wait. But many graduate students in NC State Extension programs are maintaining their academic momentum through field projects as part of NC State’s research restart.

Jul 28, 2020  |  Extension

Extension Fills Field Day Void

NC Extension agents like Jenny Carleo are tapping video technology to fill the void of canceled field day gatherings. It’s a new, timely skill set that agents are scrambling to master for their clients’ benefit.

Jul 13, 2020

New Extension Virtual Event Library

Crop and Soil Sciences introduces a living library of recorded Extension training videos suited for both growers and industry professionals.