Stories From Oct 2022
Nickels for Know-How Check-off Vote Set for Nov. 17
A self-assessed check-off supporting agricultural research, extension, and teaching programs in North Carolina State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) is set for a vote on November 17, 2022.
2021-22 Awards and Honors
NC State faculty, staff, students and alumni garnered significant recognition for their accomplishments over the past year. Here are a few highlights.
Jose de Sanctis Wins Farmer Problem Weed Competition
Crop science Ph.D. student Jose de Sanctis wins the real-world farmer problem event at the 2022 Southern Weed Science Society meeting.
Schroeder-Moreno Appointed as CEFS Director
Professor Michelle Schroeder-Moreno has been appointed director of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) after serving as interim director following Nancy Creamer's retirement.
Enrollment Opens Soon for Spring Online Courses
Are you are professional seeking to enhance your education? Or maybe looking to explore other careers? We have online courses available this Spring that are excellent ways to achieve your goals.
Graduate Students Compete in 8th Annual Three Minute Thesis Competition on Oct. 25.
The research of ten NC State graduate students takes center stage on Tuesday, Oct. 25 in Hunt Library’s Duke Energy Hall as they compete in the 8th Annual Three Minute Thesis competition hosted by the Graduate School.
Connecting Field and Lab with an Eye Toward Extension
Duncan McSorley has spent the past year and a half interning in extension and the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative on his way to some day becoming an extension specialist.