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VIEW: Alphabetical By Group
Rodolphe Barrangou

Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences

Alper Bozkurt

Distinguished Professor and University Faculty Scholar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Michael Bradshaw

Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Center for Integrated Fungal Research

James Braun

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Gina Brown-Guedira

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Mallory Choudoir

Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Maude Cuchiara

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Michael Daniele

NC State Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and UNC-Chapel Hill / NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering

Ralph Dean

Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology

Colleen Doherty

Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Joseph Gage

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Khara Grieger

Department of Applied Ecology

Amy Grunden

Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Alejandro Gutierrez-Li

Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Christine Hawkes

Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Ricardo Hernandez

Department of Horticultural Science

Mark Hoffmann

Department of Horticultural Science

Jim Holland

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Anders Huseth

Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology

Fikret Isik

Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources

Chris Jones

Center for Geospatial Analytics

Jacob Jones

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Daniela Jones

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Jordan Kern

Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources

Tom Kon

Department of Horticultural Science

Michael Kudenov

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jennifer Kuzma

Goodnight-NCGSK Foundation Distinguished Professor, School of International and Public Affairs

Edgar Lobaton

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Anna Locke

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Terri Long

Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Stephen Markham

Executive Director of NC State Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Goodnight Distinguished Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Ross Meentemeyer

Center for Geospatial Analytics

Natalie Nelson

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Omer Oralkan

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Kara Peters

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Postdoctoral Affairs, College of Engineering, and Alumni Association DIstinguished Graduate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Lina Quesada

Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology

Roderick Rejesus

Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Jean Ristaino

Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology

Joe Sagues

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Deepti Salvi

Associate Professor, Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences

Katie Sanders

Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences

Chadi Sayde

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Debjani Sihi

Assistant Professor, Departments of Plant and Microbial Biology and Crop and Soil Sciences

Ross Sozzani

Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

David Suchoff

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Jason Swarts

Professor and Head, Department of English

Sid Thakur

Department of Population Health and Pathobiology

Kristin Thoney-Barletta

Professor, Associate Head and Director of Undergraduate Programs, Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management Department

Emmanuel Torres Quezada

Assistant Professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences

Rachel Vann

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Jack Wang

Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources

Qingshan Wei

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Justin Whitehill

Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources

Cranos Williams

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Alex Woodley

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Lirong Xiang

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Craig Yencho

Department of Horticultural Science

Jing Zhang

Assistant Professor of Horticultural Science

translational plant phenomics