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Danesha Seth Carley

Department of Horticultural Science


Associate Professor

Venture IV 105


Director for the NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM) and the Center of Excellence for Regulatory Science in Agriculture. Her research, academic, and outreach programs focus on Sustainable Managed Landscapes. Her focus is primarily on insect pollinator habitat conservation how landscapes (gardens, public green space, etc.) can contribute to pollinator protection. Other recent projects include the restoration of historic Pinehurst No. 2 and No. 4 Golf Courses. She is also the NC IPM Coordinator and manages the EIP grant program for North Carolina.


Ph.D. Crop Science and Plant Pathology NC State University 2006

M.S. Entomology and Plant Pathology University of Tennessee 2001

B.S. Biology Earlham College 1998


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Date: 09/01/22 - 8/31/25
Amount: $3,420,000.00
Funding Agencies: USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)


Date: 09/01/20 - 9/01/24
Amount: $1,658,000.00
Funding Agencies: US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA)

Regulation should meet the needs of society by providing access to science-based information and technologies. Regulatory methods should encourage bilateral and regional approaches to strengthen and align pesticide regulatory systems with both the United States and international standard setting bodies. It is crucial for all interested parties (scientists, policy makers, federal agencies, etc.) to be closely involved with the on-going development and coordination of registration systems and trade standards to ensure that risks to human health and the environment are minimized, and benefits to global agricultural trade are realized. The alignment of pesticide regulations and standards is currently disharmonized. Different countries and regions of the world have different approaches for assessment. Such differences make it more challenging to uniformly protect stakeholders and the environment, and ultimately create unnecessary barriers to innovation, acceptance, and trade. Specifically, access to new, low-risk pesticide products continues to be challenging for farmers. Even when products are available, farmers face trade barriers when residue or trade standards differ across borders or do not exist in export markets. Efforts to build regulatory capacity and encourage the adoption of import tolerances and Codex Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs), when appropriate, will help reduce trade barriers and ensure critical pest management tools are available to farmers everywhere. Our team of experts will work together with domestic and international partners to harmonize regulatory processes with different countries and regions across the globe.

Date: 09/01/21 - 8/31/24
Amount: $495,000.00
Funding Agencies: USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

This is an Extension Implementation Project (EIP). Our Program Priority Areas are IPM Implementation in: Agronomic Crops (28%), Communities (40%), Specialty Crops (24%), and Pollinator Health (8%). The person who will be responsible for grant coordination and budget management, and participation in the SERA3 meetings is Dr. Danesha Seth Carley, Director for the NSF Center for IPM and the Administrative contact is Dr. Rich Bonanno, Director of NC State Extension, and Associate Dean College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Through NC Cooperative Extension programs and diverse transdisciplinary team collaboration, we work to sustain and enhance environmental stewardship, reduce economic risks for growers and consumers, and protect human health by applying integrated pest management (IPM) in all suitable situations. Our goal is to increase coordination and improve efficiency of translating IPM research to the scientific community and stakeholders; as well as the residents of NC through extension and outreach programs. By working to synergize efforts and leverage resources, we are better able to promote development and adoption of IPM through collaborative programs and broad-based stakeholder participation. With a strong team of experts and close association with our Evaluation Specialist, we are able to document the value of IPM strategies and programs, and provide comprehensive success stories of IPM integration across NC. Through the outputs and outcomes from this program, NC Extension agents and stakeholders will become more knowledgeable about IPM and develop the skills necessary to implement IPM strategies in Agronomic Crops, Specialty Crops, Pollinator Health, and IPM in the Communities.

Date: 09/30/21 - 9/29/23
Amount: $272,000.00
Funding Agencies: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

Goal: To replace pesticides targeting plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) with an effective, safe and eco-friendly soil sterilization by transmitting down to 2-3 feet below a metallic aperture (antenna) deep penetrating electromagnetic (EM) waves in the 0.1-1 GHz band. High power (10-20kW) periodic EM energy transferred into deep soil thermally destroys nematode in <20 seconds. Our sanitation method selectively and irreversibly eradicate crop-ravaging nematodes, especially in J2 infectious stage, while protecting crop-beneficial organisms. Eco-friendly crop yield maximization will ultimately slash farming??????????????????s residual pollution in soil/water/atmosphere, increase food security and improve overall human health. Specific Aims ?????????????????? We propose these specific aims to validate a first prototype of EM soil sterilization: SA1) Characterize dielectric and thermal properties of soil, roots and nematodes (both parasitic and beneficial ones) over 5-55 ?????????C temperature and 0.1-1 GHz frequency band (EM travels deeper in soil); SA2) Using multiphysics modeling and machine learning, optimize the design of antenna and power sources to achieve sufficient power to kill 99% of nematodes within 20s in a 2x2x2ft3 soil volume; SA3) Test the prototype on infested soil (NCSU). PPN survival will be studied as function of power, timing, frequency and soil. Pathology will help to further our understanding and optimize the treatment. If successful, farmers will benefit from a PPN thermal eradication that: targets PPN deep in soil, uses affordable antenna/sources, installs on carts/trailer, has no moving parts, works in harsh environments, can be adapted for other pests and environments, is faster than any other ???????????????green?????????????????? approach, is weather resistant, can be applied just before seeding/planting procedures. PPN also cannot grow resistance to thermal destruction as it targets their basic anatomy. Finally, our Duke/NCSU team combines unique expertise in engineering and nematology to bring to farmers this groundbreaking sanitation method.

Date: 09/01/18 - 8/31/23
Amount: $4,600,000.00
Funding Agencies: USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

The mission of the Southern IPM Center (SIPMC) is to foster development and adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a science-based approach to managing pests in ways that generate economic, environmental and human health benefits. SIPMC??????????????????s unique strengths will be leveraged through collaboration among three Southern institutions (North Carolina State University, University of Georgia, and Auburn University) in partnership with regional stakeholders in multiple sectors from agricultural, urban, and rural settings to identify and address regional priorities for research, education, and outreach. Additional support and direction has been provided so that SIPMC also manages a rich portfolio of applications and expertise that serve as the foundation for the IPM Information Supplement. Included in our current proposal are programs that not only satisfy multiple priorities of the Crop Protection and Pest Management Program, but also promote the five goals of the National IPM Roadmap. These include 1) Improved IPM Practices through the following programs: Regulatory Science Network, Facilitation of Innovation Through Technology (FITT), pollinator protection, resistance management, National IPM Database, and grant programs 2) Economical IPM Practices through FITT, invasive species, resistance management, National IPM Database, grant programs, and underserved audiences 3) Reduced Environmental Risks through FITT, invasive species, grant programs, resistance management, and underserved audiences. 4) Increased IPM Adoption: FITT, invasive species, Regulatory Science Network, grant programs, evaluation and communication, National IPM Database, Friends of Southern IPM Awards, and underserved audiences, and finally, 5) Reduced Human Health Risks through FITT, Regulatory Science Network, pollinator protection, grant programs, and underserved audiences.

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