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Launching the next big name in plant science innovation

Startups Get Their Start Here

We strive to grow entrepreneurs with grit and determination to improve the world through plant science innovation, accelerating new discoveries and technologies and launching new startups, all in the interest of advancing agriculture in North Carolina and beyond.

The N.C. PSI Seed2Grow Startup Program offers exciting new opportunities for researchers who want to turn their ideas into local and global solutions. Admission to the program, granted by our Commercialization Advisory Council, offers:

  • Access to the Plant Sciences Building’s specialized labs, core facilities, research and meeting spaces
  • Proximity to talent: leading faculty members, graduate students and undergrads
  • Mentoring with an Executive in Residence
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Assistance with Business Plan Development and Marketing

Startup Spotlight: Hoofprint Biome

Methane has proven to be one of the main drivers behind climate change, and cows emit this gas every time they burp. Hoofprint Biome, a startup led by Scott Collins and Kathryn Polkoff, is out to provide producers, and our climate, with a solution: a feed additive that eliminates the microbes that cause methane in a cow’s rumen. 

A Place to Innovate

The Innovation Hub is a 2,500-square-foot combined open office and wet lab space in NC State’s Plant Sciences Building that houses agricultural technology startup companies emerging from the university. 

Executives in Residence

Appointed by the advisory council, executives in residence provide guidance to startup companies, liaise between the companies and the council and serve as advocates for companies in identifying and overcoming hurdles.

Commercialization Advisory Council

The Commercialization Advisory Council helps identify promising technologies with market potential, provides their expert advice on commercializing N.C. PSI technologies and uses their experience to provide high-level mentorship to N.C. PSI startups.

  • Adrian Percy, co-chair, N.C. PSI
  • Stephen Markham, co-chair, Poole College of Management
  • Giles Shih
  • Mark Brooks, FMC Ventures
  • Lisa Chang, Poole College of Management
  • Kathleen Denya, N.C. PSI
  • John Dombrowsky, Oerth Bio
  • Tim Martin, NC State Office of Research Commercialization.
  • Blake Stevens, Alexandria LaunchLabs
  • Mohan Tavorath, CropTrak
  • Paul Ulanch, North Carolina Biotechnology Center

For more information

Kathleen Pitcher

Kathleen Denya, Ph.D.

Director of Innovation Partnerships or 919.513.2073