Stories From Jun 2019

Jun 28, 2019

Bartolome’s Adventures in Cooking and Hiking

Bartolome copes with cooking at home and takes a weekend hike to Xativa.

Jun 28, 2019

Bartolome Tours Vineyards as Part of His Research

Bartolome is conducting onology research, which means he gets to tour vineyards with his PI.

Jun 26, 2019

Alexandra: Enjoying the Adventures Abroad

Written by Alexandra Veverka So much time is passing by so quickly and for a moment I wish I could slow time down. I have made incredible friends here to share so many memories with, whether playing soccer games or […]

Jun 26, 2019

Kelsey Starts Her 3rd Step of Antibiotic Resistance Gene Analysis

Kelsey runs qPCR samples and analyzes her data before enjoying a weekend in Bilbao.

Jun 25, 2019

Cristobal’s Soil Samples

Cristobal continues with his soil sample collection, drying and weighing.

Jun 25, 2019

Cristobal is Busy with Research Projects

Cristobal details the work he is doing on two separate research projects.

Jun 24, 2019

Eric Finds Balance in Work and Relaxation

Eric reflects on the progress he has made in his research and how he enjoys Spain during the weekend.

Jun 24, 2019

Alexandra’s Changing Perspectives

Alexandra's research and personal experiences in Spain are changing her perspectives - from researching biofumigation with plant-based ingredients and coping with homesickness and personal growth.

Jun 24, 2019

Kelsey Advances in Her Research and Takes a Spanish Hike

Kelsey advances on to step 3 of her research: qPCR protocol. On the weekend, she hikes some of the Asturias countryside

Jun 13, 2019

Eric Reports Research Results

Written by Eric Schneider This week I finished up my first set of experiments. They were designed to quantify the resistances towards antimicrobial peptides (also called bacteriocins) varying mutations in a particular gene could strengthen or lessen. The antimicrobials I […]