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Matthew Bertone

Director – Plant Disease and Insect Clinic / Extension Associate

Expertise in arthropod identification/diagnostics and biodiversity

Terri Billeisen

Director of Undergraduate Programs, Extension Associate and Adjunct Assistant Professor

AGI Coordinator

Director of Undergraduate Programs

Rick Brandenburg

Wm. Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Commercial Turf and Peanuts


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Allen Cohen

Research Professor

Insect Rearing Education and Research


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Elizabeth Driscoll

4-H Specialist

4-H Entomology


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Steve Frank

Professor and Associate Department Head, Ecology and IPM in urban landscapes, nurseries, and greenhouses

Ecology and IPM in urban landscapes, nurseries, and greenhouses


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Fred Gould

William Neal Reynolds Professor of Agriculture


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Anders Huseth

Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, University Faculty Scholar

Field Crops Ecology

Crop responsibilities: corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybean, sweetpotato, and wheat


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Ayako Katsumata

Principal Research Scholar

George Kennedy

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Agriculture

Ecology and Management of Insect Pests Affecting Agricultural Crops


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Lorena Lopez

Assistant Extension Professor

Marce Lorenzen


Genetic Pest Management


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Aram Mikaelyan

Assistant Professor


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David Orr

Associate Professor

Biological Control in Field Crops


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Gareth Powell

Director, NC State Insect Collection

Assistant Professor


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Dominic Reisig

Professor & Extension Specialist

Tidewater Research Station

Crop responsibilities: corn, cotton, peanut, grain sorghum, and soybean

Michael Reiskind

Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs – Entomology

Public Health Entomology

Vector Ecology/Reiskind Laboratory

Michael Roe

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Insect Toxicology and Physiological Genomics

Dorith Rotenberg

Professor and Director of Graduate Programs – Plant Pathology, University Faculty Scholar

Ecology and molecular biology of plant virus-insect vector interactions


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Coby Schal

Blanton J. Whitmire Distinguished Professor

Urban Entomology, Insect Behavior, Chemical Ecology, Insect Physiology

Max Scott

Professor of Entomology

Genetic Pest Management

Clyde Sorenson

Alumni Assoc. Distinguished Undergrad. Professor

Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching, Field Crops Entomology


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James Walgenbach

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Applied Insect Ecology and Pest Management

Anna Whitfield

Professor and Director of Emerging Plant Disease and Global Food Security

Plant virus-vector interactions

Emerging Plant Disease and Global Food Security Cluster

Brian Wiegmann

William Neal Reynolds Professor of Entomology

Systematics, Phylogenomics, Evolutionary Biology