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Spring 2025 Seminar Series

Seminars are held on Mondays from 11:15 am until 12:15 pm in the Toxicology Auditorium (TOX 2104) unless otherwise noted.

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Title Location
1/1311:15 am Carolyn YoungDept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, NC StateDEPP past, present, and our strategic futureTOX 2104
1/20MLK Day – No seminar
1/2711:15 amScotty YangVirginia Tech UniversityBehavioral, molecular and microbial ecology in ant invasionsTOX 2104
2/311:15 amSanjay Antony-BabuTexas A&M UniversityThe Sinister Side of Phytomicrobiomes: Pathobiomes and DysbioisisTOX 2104
2/1011:15 amAlyssa Koehler BettsUniversity of DelawareTOX 2104
2/1711:15 amErika Machtinger (Vince Parman Memorial Lecture)Penn State UniversityBehavioral Blind Spots: Aligning Tick Management with Host Ecology for Maximum ImpactThomas Hall 3503 (Stephens Room)
2/2411:15 amEllen MartinsonUniversity of New Mexico TBDTOX 2104
3/311:15 amMichelle HeckCornell UniversitySolving citrus greening: closing the gap between the lab and the groveTOX 2104
3/10Spring Break – No Seminar
3/174:00 pmJean RistainoDept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, NC StateTracking a Plant Killer In Ireland: Historical and Scientific Reflections on the Irish Famine PathogenPlant Sciences Building, Rooms 1322 ABC
3/2411:15 amIgnazio CarboneDept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, NC StateTOX 2104
3/3111:15 amGregory SwordTexas A&M UniversityTOX 2104
4/711:15 amDominic ReisigDept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, NC StateTOX 2104
4/1411:15 amBrantlee Spakes-RichterUniversity of FloridaTOX 2104
4/2111:15 amBianca LopezAssociate Editor, Science (AAAS)TOX 2104
4/2210:00 amLauren Weidner (Mike Duke Seminar)Arizona State UniversityThomas Hall 3503 (Stephens Room)

Past Seminars

To watch the recordings of seminars from the past calendar year, click the button below (requires Unity ID login).