Plant Pathology

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Tika Adhikari

Principal Research Scholar & Adjunct Faculty

Daisy Ahumada

Assistant Professor

Christie Almeyda-Becerra

Director – Micropropagation and Repository Unit


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Peter Balint-Kurti

USDA-ARS Research Geneticist and Adjunct Professor

Michael Bradshaw

Assistant Professor


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Ignazio Carbone

Professor and Director of CIFR and the PSMCC

Evolutionary biology, molecular population genetics and genomics

Bill Cline

Researcher & Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology

Extension Horticulturist, Blueberry

65% extension, 30% research, and 5% service

Christina Cowger

USDA Research Plant Pathologist

Biology, epidemiology, and population genetics of small grain pathogens

Marc Cubeta

Professor and Associate Director, Center for Integrated Fungal Research

Ecology and population genetics of beneficial and plant pathogenic soil fungi


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Ralph Dean

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Host-pathogen interactions in Magnaporthe oryzae


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Jennie Fagen

Senior Research Scholar


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Adrienne Gorny

Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist of Plant Nematology


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Shuijin Hu


Soil Microbial Ecology

Alejandra Huerta

Assistant Professor


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Jim Kerns

Professor and Extension Specialist of Turfgrass Pathology, University Faculty Scholar

Departmental Extension Leader

Etiology, epidemiology, and management of warm- and cool-season grass diseases

Turfgrass Pathology Lab


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Steven Lommel

Associate Dean for Research CALS; Director NCARS

Molecular mechanisms of plant viral pathogenesis

LeAnn Lux

Assistant Professor


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Inga Meadows

Extension Plant Pathologist, Vegetables and Herbaceous Ornamentals

Management of diseases of vegetable crops


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Yeonyee Oh

Research Scholar

Dean Lab

Peter Ojiambo


Epidemiology and integrated management of plant diseases

Charles Opperman


Biology and genomics of plant parasitic nematodes


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Lina Quesada

WNR Distinguished Professor, University Faculty Scholar, and Extension Specialist – Cucurbits and Sweetpotato Pathology

Management, diagnostics, population genetics, and genomics of vegetable pathogens


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David Rasmussen

Associate Professor

Bioinformatics Research Center

Emerging Plant Disease and Global Food Security Cluster

Jean Ristaino

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

William Neal Reynolds Distingushed Professor

Director Emerging Plant DIsease and Global Food Security Cluster

David Ritchie

Professor and Extension Specialist

Bacterial and fungal pathogens of fruit and vegetable crops

Dorith Rotenberg

Professor and Director of Graduate Programs – Plant Pathology, University Faculty Scholar

Ecology and molecular biology of plant virus-insect vector interactions


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Tim Sit

Principal Research Scholar – Plant Virology


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Sara Villani

Assistant Professor

Management of ornamental and apple diseases


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Anna Whitfield

Professor and Director of Emerging Plant Disease and Global Food Security

Plant virus-vector interactions

Emerging Plant Disease and Global Food Security Cluster