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Ag Data Science Jam

An interactive hands-on workshop to demystify data analytics using agricultural datasets. We will be using your knowledge in agriculture and/or analytics to compare insights from machine learning and other kinds…

N.C. PSI Student and Postdoc Meet-up

Students and postdocs in the N.C. PSI community are welcome to join us at in the Plant Sciences Building to get to know each other and hang out. There will…

CALS Tailgate

The CALS Tailgate has a 30-year tradition of providing family-friendly fun and highlighting the people, programs and partners that make our college great. The N.C. PSI is tabling at the…

N.C. PSI Game Hour

Members of the N.C. PSI community are welcome to join us at the PSB for a little break. Play some games, eat food and meet your colleagues.

N.C. PSI Partners Breakfast

Join us for breakfast and coffee at our quarterly Partners Breakfast. This breakfast will be hosted by STEPS, who will be giving a brief overview of their research program. This casual…

Event Series INL


The N.C. PSI, Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Collge of Engineering are hosting Lynn Wendt, Damon Hartley, and Bill Smith from the Bioenergy…

Roundtable with Fulbright Colombia Students

The Quesada Lab is hosting a group of students from the Fulbright Colombia Program. During this roundtable event, this group of international scholars will meet with faculty and students within…