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Education & Workforce Development Platform

We develop plant science leaders.

A New Breed of Problem Solvers

The future poses challenges for food, agriculture, energy and the environment. That’s why we’re providing a unique training ground for a new breed of problem solvers.

Our scholarship programs, internships and collaborative graduate fellowships pave the way for the agile workforce of tomorrow.

We are making forward-looking investments in recruiting, training and retaining world-class plant scientists.

84% of future agricultural jobs have plant science roots

We grow talent with plant science know-how.


GRAD-AID for Ag is a new graduate training program that will recruit and train two cohorts of highly motivated doctoral students at the intersection of basic and applied plant science. Students will be equipped with the ability to integrate lab-derived multi-omics datasets with field data, leveraging the statistical analyses, machine learning (ML), artificial neural networks, and other artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies to accelerate translation of basic plant science research to the field.

Selected students will receive a $37,000 annual stipend.

Bridging Disciplines, Generating Solutions

At the annual N.C. PSI BRIDGE Symposium, graduate students and postdocs discuss creative bridges across disciplines that could lead to improvements in the economy, environment and people’s lives.

BRIDGE Symposium participants standing at the front of a room

Researching Agricultural Challenges on the Backroads

In the second annual N.C. PSI Backroad Tour, graduate students and postdocs from several colleges visited farmers and producers across the state.

N.C. PSI plant sciences initiative graduate students research learn from farmers and NC State Extension
Participants on the second annual N.C. PSI Backroads Tour at Gary Hendrix’s cotton farm in Hoke County.

Annual N.C. PSI Hackathon

The N.C. PSI Hackathon is an annual event that gives undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars the chance to demonstrate their skills in a 3-day competition to solve ag tech related challenges for prizes and, of course, bragging rights.

2021 Hackathon participants in action

Terri Long

Education and Workforce Development Platform Director

Throughout her career, Long has made it her mission to inspire others to harness the power of plants. As Platform Director, she creates programs that elevate student experiences and expand understanding of plant science.

terri headshot
Terri Long, Education and Workforce Development Platform Director, shares her vision for N.C. PSI.