
Jun 17, 2020

Farmworker Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Farmworkers are essential to our lives. During the COVID-19 pandemic, their work hasn’t stopped. In the latest episode of CALS’ Farms, Food and You podcast, guests share insights on the risks these workers face as they produce the food that’ll end up on our plates in coming weeks and months and on what NC State Extension, its partners and other state agencies are doing to help lower those risks.

May 5, 2020

NC State Researchers Continue Improving Sweetpotatoes for Africa

Craig Yencho and his team recently received part of a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to continue their work improving sweetpotatoes in Sub-Saharan Africa. The genomic tools developed through the three-year, $15-million-dollar grant will also improve sweetpotato breeding for North Carolina farmers.

Apr 9, 2020

Cross Pollination

A deepening partnership between NC State blueberry geneticist Hamid Ashrafi and North African small fruit scientist Ahlam Hamim is aimed at boosting blueberry industries in two very different parts of the globe. Hamim, a government scientist from Morocco, recently spent three months in Ashrafi’s blueberry genetics and genomics laboratory as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar. Hamim’s research at NC State grew out of an earlier trip that she made to the United States in spring 2018 as a USDA-FAS Borlaug Fellow.

Feb 20, 2020

From Raleigh to Djilor: Dannica Wall and Poultry Farming in Senegal

Poultry Science PhD student Dannica Wall gave an eye-opening presentation on her time spent in Djilor, Senegal as part of the CALS SAIGE International Seminar Series. Wall was sent abroad through Farmer to Farmer, a USAID-funded program that seeks to increase agricultural productivity, sustainable farming practices, and strengthen existing institutions.

Jan 8, 2020

Ambassador Visit Highlights Partnerships Near and Far

As the North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative continues to take shape, partnerships between VIB, a Belgian life sciences institute, and NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are growing.

Oct 24, 2019

Brazilian Soybean Intern Stays, Just a Little Bit Longer

A graduate student in crop and sciences at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Barros arrived at NC State to learn more about soybean cultivation in North Carolina and extended his stay for the friendships and new experiences.

May 2, 2019

Can Sweet Potatoes Save the World?

NC State grew the North Carolina sweet potato industry into a global powerhouse. Now we're leading the effort to breed sweet potatoes that could provide economic opportunities and better nutrition for people in African countries.

Feb 11, 2019

Peruvian INIA researchers receive training at NC State

Global Academy and CREdO hosted five INIA researchers at NC State University from Jan 26- Feb 9. They learned about subjects ranging from potato breeding to climate change and proposal writing. Although the two weeks flew by, we know this is just the beginning of a long-lasting relationship between our institutions.

Jan 30, 2019

The First World Congress on Agritourism: Highlights and Contributions From NCSU

Dr. Carla Barbieri and Claudia Gil Arroyo traveled to Bolzano, Italy, to participate in the first-ever World Congress on Agritourism. As the academic keynote speaker, Barbieri presented the advances and the future directions of agritourism research in the US and Canada. Gil Arroyo led a panel session on the contribution of agritourism for the future of rural areas. She also presented on gender roles in community-based agritourism, a study she led in the Peruvian Andes.

Nov 7, 2018

International Seminar: Benefits from Experiencing our Complicated World

Dr. Bob Patterson took us on a journey through the moments and people that shaped his career and international work stemming from his early days as a researcher to his current involvement overseas. We were guided through a lifetime of experiences emphasizing the importance of inclusion, equality, trust, and creating opportunities for all.