Online Programs
The NC State Department of Horticultural Science offers world-class programs that are designed with your career and lifestyle in mind. Classes are tailored to meet the foundational and specialized educational needs of our non-traditional undergraduates and graduate students. Online classes are available and a certificate program offers a fully online curriculum.
Learning Horticulture From 500 Miles Away

Undergraduate Courses Online
Horticultural Science offers a number of online courses. These may be taken as part of a certificate or degree program, or by non-degree-seeking students on a course-by-course basis. For those interested in taking individual courses without enrolling in a degree or certificate program, you must first enroll as a Non-Degree Studies (NDS) student.
Undergraduate Certificate Online
The Horticulture Undergraduate Certificate is a non-degree, individually-tailored program, with courses available online and campus, offered through the Department of Horticultural Science at NC State University. The program is designed to increase personal knowledge and skills for current or future employment in the horticulture industry. Earning the undergraduate certificate requires completing only 15 credit hours of coursework. Courses are taught via the web, so students won’t need time off from work or face long commutes to campus.
Graduate Courses Online
The Horticultural Science Program offers a number of online horticulture courses. These may be taken as part of a certificate or degree program, or by non-degree-seeking students on a course-by-course basis. For those interested in taking individual courses without enrolling in a degree or certificate program, you must first enroll as a Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) student.
Graduate Certificate Online
The Online Horticulture Certificate is a non-degree, individually-tailored program offered through the Department of Horticultural Science at NC State University. The program is designed to increase personal knowledge and skills for current or future employment in the horticulture industry. Earning the graduate certificate requires completing only 15 credit hours of coursework. Courses are taught via the Web, so students won’t need time off from work or face long commutes to campus.
Master of Horticultural Science (MHS) Online
The Master of Horticultural Science (MHS) degree is a non-thesis program designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of horticulture science and practices. Extending beyond the study of fruits, vegetables, nursery and floriculture crops, this degree encompasses a broad range of cross-commodity areas such as plant breeding, weed science, urban horticulture, sustainable agriculture, postharvest physiology and landscape design.