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Craig Yencho speaks with a crop researcher in Africa

Advancing Plants

We improve how plants are produced and used for food, recreation and environmental protection.

Worldwide Excellence

People depend on plants for food, environmental aesthetics and recreation. No matter where you live, work or play, what we do touches your life.

Our faculty and students conduct cutting-edge research that increases the quality and variety of fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants available to consumers worldwide. We are experts in the science, art, technology and business of growing plants. And the demand for our services is growing.

Whether through hands-on instruction in our greenhouses, field labs or community gardens, our work ensures the economic and environmental sustainability for horticulture across the state, the nation and the world.

Your Path to CALS

Did you know there’s more than one way to get into CALS? Initiatives like STEAM, ASPIRE, Community College Partnership Program and the Agricultural Institute (AGI) offer potential paths to agriculture and life sciences education at NC State.

Controlled environmental horticulture

Ways to Give

Explore the various ways you can make a gift to the Department of Horticultural Science.

Man cradling 5 sweet potatoes in his arms, wearing an NC State t-shirt with their "Think And Do" slogan printed on it.