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Slavko Komarnytsky

Associate Professor

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Teaching and Outreach Activities

I serve as the director of LIFE HABIT@ Center for Biodiscovery, a collaborative research partnership established by a team of internationally recognized faculty members from North Carolina State University, USA and University of Pretoria, South Africa, to maximize the great potential for transdisciplinary research in the area of biodiscovery and human health. LIFE HABIT@ develops innovative research and conservation tools that enhance health benefits for people, promote sustainable local economic development, and educate the community through the discovery-based science learning environment.


Ph.D. Cell mol plant biology Rutgers University 2004

M.S. Cell Biology Kyiv Shevchenko University 1998

B.S. Biology Kyiv Shevchenko University 1997

Visiting Scholar Royal Botanical Gardens Kew 1995

Area(s) of Expertise

My scientific interests have been in how dietary bioactive components prevent chronic metabolic diseases and inflammation, with emphasis on the pathological mechanisms of insulin resistance and muscle loss.

Three major initiatives can be used to describe my research:

  • Using state of the art applications of pharmacogenomics, nutrigenomic, and bioenergetics technologies to enhance understanding the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders by identifying pathways important in progression of diabetes, obesity and inflammation
  • Collaborating with scientists from various disciplines to access efficacy of botanicals and natural products to restore metabolic balance within liver, muscle and adipose tissues
  • Supporting education and development of students and scholars, including those located in the developing countries, through biodiscovery from microbial resources, microbial diversity and impact it may have on the safety and health of water users