Stories From Mar 2018
Collins Wins Prestigious Watauga Medal
When North Carolina agricultural leaders talk about Watauga Medal Winner William K. Collins Sr., the accolades flow.
Reuben Wilson’s Long and Winding Road Leads to his Academic Home: Soil
“What I’ve always wanted to do is help the North Carolina farmer. My dad, my friends’ fathers, people I’ve worked for; they’re some of the hardest working people in the state, and if I can use what I’ve learned here to assist them in any way possible, that’s my ultimate goal.”
Abby Haselton Awarded First Place in Poster Competition at IECA Annual Conference
MS student Abby Haselton’s poster, “Wildflower Growth Response to Construction Site Soil Conditions” won first prize in the poster competition at the International Erosion Control Association’s Annual Conference in Long Beach in February.
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