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A young woman wearing glasses and red sweatshirt with a laptop on her lap

Welcome to the Pack!

CALS wants to see your Wolfpack pride. Snap a selfie and post to social for a chance to win some CALS swag at orientation!

New Student Selfie Challenge

CALS invites you to kick off your NC State journey with a Selfie Challenge! Celebrate your acceptance on social!

First Steps for New CALS Students

  • Activate your Unity account in WolfPAW. Your Unity ID is your NC State username that allows you to access all of your records, services and email while associated with NC State. 
  • Take the placement tests. Make sure you’re starting in the right courses for your first semester; all CALS students should take the math and chemistry placement tests. 
  • Join the Howling with CALS 2025 Moodle space. All CALS students will have access to an online advising website through an NC State platform called Moodle. You will also have access to enrollment resources and a space to connect with other incoming first year CALS students. Add yourself to the Moodle project space using these steps.
  • Sign up. Register for one of the New Student Orientation sessions for CALS students and complete your housing application through MyPack Portal. 
  • Check out the interactive New Student Checklist. This resource is available in your WolfPAW account (after confirming enrollment) and will help you keep track of required items and opportunities of interest. 
  • Get into the habit of checking your NC State email. Sit down to read and respond to emails once a day. Lots of information and opportunities will be coming your way from a number of offices, services and resources on campus.

Own Your Education

CALS students have a personal advisor (listed on the Degree Audit) who can help you maintain balance and keep your studies on track.

New students: Academic advisors are assigned at different times, depending on the department—some before or after orientation, others in the first few weeks of the semester. If you haven’t yet been assigned an advisor, you can contact your undergraduate program director or the CALS advising team for help.

We advise students to contact their advisor whenever they have questions or concerns about their academic progress, want to know more about programs or opportunities in CALS or need college life advice.

Your personal advisor:

  • Guides you in selecting a major and career development
  • Answers questions and gives advice on academic matters
  • Shares internship and research opportunities
  • Helps you understand life at NC State