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Extension Outreach and Engagement Platform

Engaging with stakeholders to translate plant science into solutions for applied field issues.

Collaboration from Field to Lab

Alongside NC State Extension, the Extension Outreach and Engagement
platform is focused on connecting the science conducted in N.C. PSI to address on-farm challenges. The platform supports effective, bilateral communication between applied expertise in the field and research-based information generated by N.C. PSI. North Carolina’s vast Extension network is crucial to the success of N.C. PSI, both in identifying emerging issues and transferring groundbreaking research, tools and technology back into the hands of North Carolinians.

Labs Rats to Field Mice: N.C. PSI’s Inaugural Backroad Tour

22 N.C. PSI faculty were brought out to the fields of North Carolina to meet with growers from Vick Family Farms, processors from Nash Produce and commodity board leaders representing cotton, peanuts, soybeans and sweetpotatoes. The faculty represented nine departments across three colleges at NC State.

Join N.C. PSI Platform Director Rachel Vann as she interviews Dr. Lina Quesada and Dr. Lirong Xiang to learn more about their project that uses robots to help detect cucurbit downy mildew in the field. Dr. Quesada is a N.C. PSI-affiliated faculty member from the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, and Dr. Xiang is a N.C. PSI-affiliated faculty member from the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at NC State.

Rachel Vann

Extension Outreach and Engagement Platform Director

Vann is an associate professor and soybean Extension specialist at NC State. As Platform Director, she seeks to strengthen communication with internal and external stakeholders, creating open dialogue and feedback opportunities to bridge the gap between research and field applications.

Rachel Vann Headshot
Rachel Vann, Extension Outreach and Engagement Platform Director, shares her vision for N.C. PSI.

The mission of NC State Extension is getting a huge boost from N.C. PSI.