Stories From 2019
Novozymes and CALS Sign Five-Year Research Agreement
Global biotechnology company, Novozymes, signs an agreement with CALS to support industry-university research, making it easier for Novozymes to partner with NC State and CALS faculty on research projects.
Food Scientist Honored
Josip Simunovic, a research professor in the Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, has been named one of 12 new fellows by the Institute of Food Technologists.
CALS Researchers Secure Internationalization Seed Grants
Three CALS faculty were selected to receive up to $5,000 in seed funding for their international collaboration projects from the NC State Internationalization Seed Grant program.
Peruvian INIA researchers receive training at NC State
Global Academy and CREdO hosted five INIA researchers at NC State University from Jan 26- Feb 9. They learned about subjects ranging from potato breeding to climate change and proposal writing. Although the two weeks flew by, we know this is just the beginning of a long-lasting relationship between our institutions.
The First World Congress on Agritourism: Highlights and Contributions From NCSU
Dr. Carla Barbieri and Claudia Gil Arroyo traveled to Bolzano, Italy, to participate in the first-ever World Congress on Agritourism. As the academic keynote speaker, Barbieri presented the advances and the future directions of agritourism research in the US and Canada. Gil Arroyo led a panel session on the contribution of agritourism for the future of rural areas. She also presented on gender roles in community-based agritourism, a study she led in the Peruvian Andes.
Global Research Outreach in Nairobi: Biochemistry’s Jose Ascencio-Ibanez
Teaching Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Undergraduate Research Jose Ascencio-Ibanez recently attended a one-week outreach initiative in Nairobi, Kenya. The goal: partner with international researchers to help identify drivers of viral evolution infecting cassava plants, an important staple crop
Broaden Your Horizons: 5 Reasons to Study Abroad in Poland
There are many benefits to studying abroad. From personal growth to jump-starting your career, study abroad is often a student’s most enriching college experience. The Poland: Biotechnology (and new Poland: Clinical Shadowing) program has more to offer than students realize