Stories From Oct 2018
ARE Extension Faculty Participate in “Sorghum Exposure and Utilization” Program
Agriculture and Resource Economics faculty interact with Cochran fellows from Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela to share knowledge about sorghum utilization in animal feed.
CALS International Programs: Building Lasting Connections in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Following a recent fruitful Bosnia and Herzegovina trip made by Dr. Vivek Fellner and Dr. Peter Ojiambo, José Cisneros—the Director of CALS International Programs—visited the country in late July. The objective of this trip was to evaluate the bigger picture and strategize a mutually beneficial collaboration between NC State and Bosnia.
Peru Partnership Focuses on Aquaculture, Fisheries
Through a new model of international cooperation called CREdO (Connecting Research, Education, and Outreach) CALS will partner with the Peruvian government to design and develop their educational, research and extension systems.
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