Penny Perkins-Veazie
PhD University of Florida 1988
MS University of Florida 1985
BS University of Maine 1981
Area(s) of Expertise
Quality and nutritional value of fruit and vegetable crops.
- Strawberry Germplasm Influences Fruit Physicochemical Composition More than Harvest Date or Location , HORTICULTURAE (2025)
- Unraveling the genetic architecture of blueberry fruit quality traits: major loci control organic acid content while more complex genetic mechanisms control texture and sugar content , BMC PLANT BIOLOGY (2025)
- A One-Week Elderberry Juice Intervention Augments the Fecal Microbiota and Suggests Improvement in Glucose Tolerance and Fat Oxidation in a Randomized Controlled Trial , NUTRIENTS (2024)
- Assessing predictability of post-storage texture and appearance characteristics in blueberry at breeding population level , POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY (2024)
- Fermentation of American elderberry juice yields functional phytochemicals for spray dried protein-polyphenol ingredients , FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL (2024)
- Genotype and ripening method affect carotenoid content and bio-accessibility in banana , FOOD & FUNCTION (2024)
- Inference of the genetic basis of fruit texture in highbush blueberries using genome-wide association analyses , HORTICULTURE RESEARCH (2024)
- Prediction of blueberry sensory texture attributes by integrating multiple instrumental measurements , POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY (2024)
- Willingness to Pay for Blueberries: Sensory Attributes, Fruit Quality Traits, and Consumers' Characteristics , HORTSCIENCE (2024)
- Blueberry Cell Wall Polysaccharide Composition of Three Distinct Fruit Firmness Phenotypes , ACS FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (2023)
- Discipline: Biotechnology / Genomics
- Graduate Faculty: Community food systems and agroecology
- Faculty
- Graduate Faculty: Horticultural crop production and management
- Discipline: Physiology / Biochemistry
- Graduate Faculty: Plant and postharvest physiology
- Discipline: Post-harvest Physiology / Food Safety
- Appointment: Research
- Commodity: Vegetable Crops/Olericulture