Danesha Seth Carley
Director, NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management
Associate Professor, Horticultural Science
Venture IV 110
Area(s) of Expertise
Director for the NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM) and the Center of Excellence for Regulatory Science in Agriculture. Her research, academic, and outreach programs focus on Sustainable Managed Landscapes. Her focus is primarily on insect pollinator habitat conservation how landscapes (gardens, public green space, etc.) can contribute to pollinator protection. Other recent projects include the restoration of historic Pinehurst No. 2 and No. 4 Golf Courses. She is also the NC IPM Coordinator and manages the EIP grant program for North Carolina.
Seth Carley, D., J. Cook, and S. Emerine. 2025. Agricultural issues with climate change—case studies with corn pests: tar spot of corn (Xylariales: Phyllachoraceae), corn earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and itchgrass (Poales: Poaceae). Journal of IPM. JIPM-2025-0017 submitted
Mueller, D.S., Iles, L.C., Pilcher, C., Sisson, A.J., Magarey, R., Adams, R., Almodovar, W.I., Alston, D., Beauzay P., Bessin, R., Bish, M., Burrows, M., Calixto, A., Chandran, R., Colquhoun, J.B., Concklin, M., Dreves, A.J., Ellsworth, P.C., Esker, P.D., Farrar, J., Fournier, A., Frank, D., Hamby, K., Hamilton, G., Hanson, A., Hazelrigg, A., Hein-Ferris, N., Held, D., Jaskinski, J., Kelly, H.M., Kerns, D., Kersten, M., Knodel, J., Koehler, G., Kratsch, H., Krupke, C.H., Leppla, N.C., Lizotte, E., Matney, C., Melanson, R.A., Miller, F., Murray, M., Owens, D., Plewa, D., Reay-Jones, F., Rondon, S.I., Royer, T.A., Rozeboom, P.A., Sandler, H., Schell, S.P., Schuh, M., Seipel, T., Seth-Carley, D., Sial, A., Singh, R., Smith, D.L., Stock, T., Studebaker, G., Szczepaniec, A., Tewksbury, L., Tooker, J., Varenhorst, A.J., Vinchesi-Vahl, A., Walsh, D., Wickwar, D., Wright, R.J., and Zebelo, S. 2024. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): State infrastructure status after 50 years of federal support (1973-2023). Journal of Integrated Pest Management. Submitted September 20, 2024
Seth Carley, D., J. Cook, and S. Emerine. 2024. Agricultural issues with climate change – case studies with three soybean pests: Johnsongrass, kudzu bug, and charcoal rot. Journal of IPM. 15(1):3. https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmad029 DOI:10.1093/jipm/pmad029
Ruzi, S., E. Youngsteadt, A. Hamblin Cherveny, J. Kettenbach, H. Levenson, D. Seth Carley, J. Collazo, and B. Irwin. 2023. Bee species richness through time in an urbanizing landscape of the southeastern USA. Global Change Biology. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17060
Chen, Huajin, Seth Carley, Danesha; Muñoz-Carpena, Rafael; Ferruzzi, Giulio; Yuan, Yongping; Henry, Eric; Blankinship, Amy; Breckels, Ross; Fox, Garey; Luo, Yuzhou; Veith, Tamie; Osmond, Deanna; Preisendanz, Heather; Tang, Jane; Armbrust, Kevin; Costello, Kevin; McConnell, Laura; Rice, Patricia; Westgate, John; Whiteside, Melanie. 2023. Incorporating the Benefits of Vegetative Filter Strips into Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Pesticides. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. EAM-2022-374-WS.
Seth Carley, D., L. A. Gragg, M. J. Taggart, T. W. Rufty. 2021 Estimation of water stress tolerance of six woody plant species. Horticulture International Journal. 5(2): 64-72.
Seth Carley, D. and K. Armbrust. 2021. Making the Case for Regulatory Science in Agriculture. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology. Manuscript ID: as-2021-00011y.
Billeisen, T.L., L.D. Kilpatrick, D. Seth Carley, R. L. Brandenburg. 2021. Presence of Pollinator-Friendly Habitat on Pollinator Communities in Managed Turfgrass Systems. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/its2.56.
Levine, S.L., J. Giddings, T. Valenti, G.P. Cobb, D. Seth Carley, L.L. McConnell. 2019. Overcoming Challenges of Incorporating Higher-Tier Data in Ecological Risk Assessments and Risk Management of Pesticides in the United States: Findings and Recommendations from the 2017 Workshop on Regulation and Innovation in Agriculture. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 15(5): 714–725. DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4173.
Mata, M., D. Seth Carley, A. Hamblin, and J-J Dubois. 2019. Community Outreach as a Tool for Bee Conservation Efforts. Journal of Extension. 57:5 https://joe.org/joe/2019october/tt5.php
Seth Carley, D., D.L. Jordan, C.L. Dharmasri, B.B. Shew, T.B. Sutton and R.L. Brandenburg. 2018. Examples of Differences in Red Edge Reflectance and Normalized Difference Vegetative Index caused by Stress in Peanut. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management DOI: 10.2134/cftm2018.06.0042.
Riar, M. D.S. Carley, C. Zhang, M.S. Schroeder-Moreno, D.L. Jordan, T.M. Webster, and T.W. Rufty. 2016. Environmental influences on growth and reproduction of invasive Commelina benghalensis. International Journal of Agronomy, vol. 2016, Article ID 5679249, 9 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/5679249. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ija/2016/5679249/
Shekoofa, A., P. Rosas-Anderson, D. Seth Carley, T.R. Sinclair, T.W. Rufty. 2016. Limited transpiration under high vapor pressure deficits of creeping bentgrass by application of Daconil-Action®. Planta 243: 421-427.
Stalling, K.D., D. Seth Carley, and R. Richardson. 2015. Management of aquatic vegetation in the Southeastern United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 6:1-5.
Dell, E., D. Seth Carley, T. Rufty, and W. Shi. 2012. Heat stress and N fertilization affect soil microbial and enzyme activities in the creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) rhizosphere. Applied Soil Ecology 56:19-26.
Seth Carley, D., D. Goodman, S. Sermons, D. Bowman, G. Miller, and T. Rufty. 2011. Organic matter accumulation in creeping bentgrass greens: A Chronosequence with implications for management and carbon sequestration. Agronomy Journal 103:604-610.
Seth Carley, D., S. Davis, D. Bowman, L. Tredway, T. Rufty and C. Peacock. 2009. Effluent application to creeping bentgrass in the transition zone: Effluent analysis and potential negative effects from salinity and low oxygen. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11:1023-1031.
Seth Carley, D., D.L. Jordan, R.L. Brandenburg and C. Dharmasri. 2009. Factors influencing response of Virginia market type peanut (Arachis hypogaea) to paraquat under weed-free conditions. Peanut Science 36:180-189.
Seth Carley, D., D.L. Jordan, B.B. Shew, T.B. Sutton, L.C. Dharmasri and R.L. Brandenburg. 2009. Influence of digging date and fungicide program on canopy defoliation and pod yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut Science 36:77-84.
Seth Carley, D., S. Davis, D. Bowman, L. Tredway and T. Rufty. 2009. Physiological stress of bentgrass associated with effluent-application in the Southeastern U.S. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 11:1023-1031.
Seth Carley, D., D.L. Jordan, L.C. Dharmasri, T.B. Sutton, R.L. Brandenburg, and M.G Burton. 2008. Peanut response to planting date and potential of canopy reflectance as an indicator of pod maturation. Agronomy Journal 100:376-380. 10.2134/agrojnl2006.0352
Rufty, T., D. Bowman, G. Miller, M. Jennette, L. Warren, D. Seth Carley, C. Peacock and F. Yelverton. 2008. Surface water quality adjacent to golf courses in the Southern Appalachia. Acta Horticulturae 783:229-238.
PhD Crop Science and Plant Pathology NC State University 2006
MS Entomology and Plant Pathology University of Tennessee 2001
BS Biology Earlham College 1998