Wayne Mitchem
Extension Associate and Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium Coordinator
455 Research Drive, Mills River, NC 28759
Area(s) of Expertise
Extension responsibilities for weed management in tree fruit and vine crops in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Address grower needs through production meetings, on-farm visits and demonstrations. Also responsible for updating recommendations in state and regional publications.
Research interests include herbicide screening for fruit crops and weed/crop interactions as it relates to critical weed-free periods for fruit.
MS Horticulture NC State University 1994
- Tolerance of muscadine grape to 2,4-D choline postemergence-directed , WEED TECHNOLOGY (2023)
- Tolerance of plasticulture strawberry to 2,4-D choline applied to row middles , WEED TECHNOLOGY (2022)
- Tolerance of southern highbush blueberry to 2,4-D choline postemergence-directed , WEED TECHNOLOGY (2022)
- Evaluating weed control and response of newly planted peach trees to herbicides , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE (2018)
- In-row Vegetation-free Strip Width Effect on Established 'Navaho' Blackberry , WEED TECHNOLOGY (2017)
- Vegetation-free width and irrigation impact peach tree growth, fruit yield, fruit size, and incidence of hemipteran insect damage , HortScience (2015)
- The North Carolina winegrape grower's guide , (2007)
- Tree growth, fruit size, and yield response of mature peach to weed-free intervals , WEED TECHNOLOGY (2007)
- Response of five summer-squash (Cucurbita pepo) cultivars to halosulfuron , WEED TECHNOLOGY (2006)
- Snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) tolerance to halosulfuron PRE, POST, or PRE followed by POST , WEED TECHNOLOGY (2006)