Front Page

Apr 6, 2022

In ‘Plant Armor’ Crop Cover, Insects Have to Navigate Textile Maze

NC State researchers' design for a new crop cover could provide an effective, chemical-free alternative for insect protection.

Jan 25, 2022

Scientists Find Previously Unknown Jumping Behavior in Insects

There is evidence that this jumping behavior is occurring in a range of species – we just haven’t noticed it before.

Aug 19, 2021

Ph.D. Candidate Camilo Parada Wins Prestigious Award

Doctoral research on soilborne diseases in sweetpotatoes attracted support from a foundation.

Jun 2, 2021

Faculty Focus: Shuijin Hu Breaks Ground with Soils and Climate Change Research

Learn more about the influential researcher who's being honored for career contributions to the science of ecology.

Apr 20, 2021

GRIP4PSI Funding Backs Plant Sciences

Visionary ideas are taking shape among four interdisciplinary research teams that received seed funding from the Game-Changing Research Incentive Program (GRIP).

Apr 2, 2021

Dr. Shuijin Hu Selected as 2021 Fellow of the Ecological Society of America

The Society’s fellowship program recognizes the many ways in which its members contribute to ecological research and discovery, communication, education and pedagogy, and management and policy.

Mar 31, 2021

Cameron Stephens Named 2021 Musser Foundation Award of Excellence Winner

The Musser Foundation's primary purpose is to promote the advancement of Turfgrass science by supporting exceptional graduate students studying in the Turfgrass specialties.

Nov 16, 2020

Students have left campus but the bugs are here to stay

NC State's Technician interviews Sydney Crawley about what's roaming campus in search of a meal

Oct 12, 2020

Marshall Receives Bourlag Award

Dave Marshall and his fellow USDA collaborators recently received the 2020 Gene Stewardship Award from the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative.

Sep 24, 2020

NC State Team Finds Solution for Sweetpotato Problem

An NC State team led by Jonathan Schultheis has determined a new curing process that greatly reduces internal necrosis in Covington sweetpotatoes. This will save N.C. sweetpotato producers millions of dollars in crop loss.