Advisory Board for Strategic Excellence & Well-being

Charged by the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the CALS Advisory Board for Strategic Excellence & Well-being (SEWB) is a diverse team of faculty, staff, and students working together to create a vibrant and effective community. With a focus on Student Strategic Excellence; Staff and Faculty Excellence; and Community, Climate and Culture, the board aims to build a culture of community and belonging across CALS, empowering individuals with the tools they need to thrive in a world of endless opportunities and emerging challenges.

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The Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of faculty, staff and students reports to the CALS Dean with a strategic mission to recruit, retain and invest in the people who make up our college. As part of the NC State Strategic Plan, the Advisory Board brings broad community perspectives as we strive to:

  • grow and reinforce a culture of equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging and well-being; 
  • efficiently connect our community through CALS communications; and 
  • create a career-ready workforce that is prepared for the challenges of a 21st century global world through professional development and networking

These goals are best achieved when integrated into every aspect of CALS success and challenges, from mentorship and leadership opportunities to recognition to support.

How It Works

Reporting directly to the CALS Dean with a focus on driving strategic excellence across the college, the Advisory Board consists of selected representatives from across the college departments, initiatives and Extension. The Advisory Board will meet monthly with the Dean, the designated Chair of the Advisory Board and a representative from the NC State Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity to focus on the people-first strategic priorities from the CALS Strategic Plan. Representatives on the Advisory Board are expected to commit at least 10 hours a month outside of their current job duties. The Advisory Board will form preliminary subcommittees to create and help implement action plans that focus on three areas aligned with the priorities:

  1. Student Strategic Excellence
  2. Staff and Faculty Excellence
  3. Community, Climate and Culture

With this greater commitment to represent the entire college, the goal is to build a culture of community and belonging across CALS with the agility required to grow and shift as our community does.

Members and Meetings

The following representatives have been selected to fulfill an inaugural one-year appointment on the Advisory Council. You may reach out to the member representing your unit or department at any time.

April 2 Advisory Board Member Application Deadline 
April 4  Application Committee Meets 
April 10 Advisory Board Members notified 
April 16 Advisory Board Members publicly announced
April 23 (2 pm) Advisory Board Kickoff Meeting 
May 22 (10-12) Advisory Board Meeting 
June 18 (10-12) Advisory Board Meeting 
July 17 (1-3) Advisory Board  Meeting 
Aug 13 (10-12) Advisory Board Meeting 
Sept 18 (1-3) Advisory Board Meeting 
Oct 15 (10-12) Advisory Board Meeting 
Nov 13 (1-3) Advisory Board Meeting 
Dec 17 (10-12) Advisory Board  Meeting