CALS Launches New Inclusive Excellence Mini-Grant Program

binders with the words applications and grants

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences invites faculty, staff and students to apply for funding through the new Inclusive Excellence MiniGrant program.

All faculty, staff and students are eligible to apply for a limited number of small grants to support new initiatives that advance the strategic priorities of the university and the college related to inclusive excellence. Successful proposals will be indicative of the exchange and development of quality ideas, scholarship and practice that impacts the fields of agriculture and life sciences.

The Mini-Grant program is intended to provide seed money to establish new programs. An extension or new direction of an existing program could be considered for funding, if it is clearly demonstrated that the proposed change is significant. Submissions should clearly align with the college’s strategic priorities of inclusive excellence, and submissions should include details on how proposals will align with one or more of these priorities in its efforts.

Individuals may request up to $2,000 to cover costs associated with the project or program. The total amount of funds awarded through this program will be based on available resources.

Questions or inquiries on how to apply can be directed to CALS DEIBW Administrative Fellow Jackie Bruce at