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Faculty Leadership Programs

We provide programs aimed at ensuring faculty members' success throughout their careers.

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Turning Vision into Reality

As they develop and carry out research, teaching and extension programs vital to the university’s land-grant mission and the college’s goals, our faculty members are looked to as leaders. The CALS Leadership Office provides programs aimed at ensuring their success throughout their careers, whether they are just joining our faculty or they have senior administrative roles.

The Agricultural Leadership Learning Institute (ALLI) for Faculty

Dr. Rhonda Sutton
For more information, contact Dr. Rhonda Sutton:

As they progress in their careers, faculty members take on a wide variety of responsibilities, administrative roles and critical decisions. Therefore, it is important to cultivate future leaders within the university. The Agricultural Leadership Learning Institute (ALLI) for Faculty program provides focused, in-depth developmental opportunities to both empower and strengthen the leadership abilities of the college’s faculty.

This free certificate program encompasses eight 2-hour sessions covering such leadership topics as self-awareness, time management, team building, communication, conflict management, and change management. Participants will be required to take self-assessment instruments to enhance awareness of their individual strengths and areas for improvement. To better apply the tools and knowledge gained from the interactive workshops, participants will complete brief work in between sessions and have accountability partners to help them apply their insights from the individual sessions.