Kenneth Pecota
MS Horticulture NC State University 1995
Area(s) of Expertise
Research responsibilities are in sweetpotato breeding and genetics. Research emphasis is on developing high quality sweetpotatoes adapted to North Carolina's growing conditions and the development of new traits.
- Acrylamide in Fried Sweetpotato: The Relationship with Free Asparagine and Effects of Asparaginase , ACS FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (2024)
- Baked sweetpotato textures and sweetness: An investigation into relationships between physicochemical and cooked attributes , FOOD CHEMISTRY-X (2023)
- Early root architectural traits and their relationship with yield in Ipomoea batatas L , PLANT AND SOIL (2024)
- Predicting sweetpotato traits using machine learning: Impact of environmental and agronomic factors on shape and size , COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE (2024)
- Development of NIRS calibration curves for sugars in baked sweetpotato , JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE (2023)
- Phenolic bioactive-linked antioxidant, anti-hyperglycemic, and antihypertensive properties of sweet potato cultivars with different flesh color , HORTICULTURE ENVIRONMENT AND BIOTECHNOLOGY (2023)
- A Win-Win Situation: Performance and Adaptability of Petite Sweetpotato Production in a Temperate Region , HORTICULTURAE (2022)
- Computer vision approach to characterize size and shape phenotypes of horticultural crops using high-throughput imagery , Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (2021)
- Discovery of a major QTL for root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) resistance in cultivated sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) , Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2021)
- Improving Phenolic Bioactive-Linked Functional Qualities of Sweet Potatoes Using Beneficial Lactic Acid Bacteria-Based Biotransformation Strategy , HORTICULTURAE (2021)