Barclay Poling
Professor Emeritus
Former NC State Extension Small Fruits Specialist
Former NC State Extension and research responsibilities for small fruit crops, with emphasis on strawberry environmental physiology and cultural research. Research emphasis includes the development of strawberry fall fruiting systems for greenhouse production and temperature/chilling manipulation of container-raised strawberry plant cultivar for earlier and higher quality fruiting in the greenhouse.
Ph.D. Cornell University 1980
- Anthracnose on strawberry: Its etiology, epidemiology, and pathology, together with management strategies for strawberry nurseries: Introduction to the workshop , HortScience (2008)
- Day-neutral Strawberry Production for Season Extension in the Midsouth , HORTSCIENCE (2008)
- Estimated costs and investment analysis of producing and harvesting muscadine grapes in the southeastern United States , HortTechnology (2008)
- Spring cold injury to winegrapes and protection strategies and methods , HortScience (2008)
- The North Carolina winegrape grower's guide , (2007)
- Economic evaluation of methyl bromide alternatives for the production of strawberries in the southeastern United States , HortTechnology (2006)
- Producing and marketing strawberries for direct market operations , HortTechnology (2004)
- Recent advances in strawberry plug transplant technology , HortTechnology (2002)
- Influence of fall nitrogen and spring nitrogen-potassium applications on yield and fruit quality of 'Chandler' strawberry , Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (1997)
- Blackberries , Journal of Small Fruit & Viticulture (1997)