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Seminar: Joy Johnson: Evaluation of Yield, Fruit Chemistry, and Firmness of Seven Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) Cultivars and Four NC State Advanced Strawberry Selections in an Eastern North Carolina Greenhouse

121 Kilgore Hall 2721 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Evaluation of Yield, Fruit Chemistry, and Firmness of Seven Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) Cultivars and Four NCSU Advanced Strawberry Selections in an Eastern North Carolina Greenhouse Joy Johnson, MS Seminar Wednesday, June…

Seminar: Massimo Iorizzo:Leveraging genetic and genomic resources to improve quality, nutritional and health related traits in fruits and vegetables

121 Kilgore Hall 2721 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Date: Monday, September 30, 2024 Time: 3:00 pm Speaker: Dr. Massimo Iorizzo Title: Leveraging genetic and genomic resources to improve quality, nutritional and health related traits in fruits and vegetables (RPT seminar) Location (Hybrid): 121…

Seminar: Annie Vogel: Modulating Apple Vegetative Growth and the Systemic Movement of Erwinia amylovora with Cultural and Chemical Management Practices

Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station 265 Test Farm Road, Waynesville, NC, United States

Modulating Apple Vegetative Growth and the Systemic Movement of Erwinia amylovora with Cultural and Chemical Management Practices Annie Vogel, PhD Defense Seminar Under the direction of Dr. Tom Kon and Dr. Gina…