Special Seminar: Michelle Schroeder-Moreno: Fostering Collaborations and Facilitating Transitions in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Programs with the Center for Environmental Farming Systems
Special Seminar: Michelle Schroeder-Moreno: Fostering Collaborations and Facilitating Transitions in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Programs with the Center for Environmental Farming Systems
Date: Monday, October 30, 2023 Time: 3:00pm Speaker: Dr. Michelle Schroeder-Moreno Title: Fostering Collaborations and Facilitating Transitions in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Programs with the Center for Environmental Farming Systems Location (Hybrid): 121 Kilgore Hall Join Zoom Meeting: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/97931323752?pwd=V21EYUpOUWZ0cktPOG9OclVzeVdVUT09 Meeting ID: 979 3132 3752 Passcode: 162249 Special Seminar_Michelle Schroeder-Moreno_10.30... Dr. Schroeder-Moreno has recently been appointed as Co-Director of the Center for Environmental…