Apply for Jobs and Internships
An internship is typically work experience that is career-related. Internships can be paid or unpaid, part-time or full-time, and can take place off-campus or on-campus. Summer internships are the most popular, but some students intern during the fall and spring semesters.
Why complete an internship?
Internships offer a way to try a career and gain exposure in your field of interest while in college. Many students have a hard time choosing between different career options, and an internship is a way to help you decide if you will like a career.
Internships allow you to gain relevant experience and skills. Having an internship that is related to your career path can often count as “years of experience” when you apply for a job. You will stand out from other candidates because you will probably need less training than someone without any internship experience.
Networking is still the number one way people obtain jobs. By completing an internship in your field, you will meet people that can give you advice and assistance when you graduate.
Log in to ePACK to search for internships and jobs, post your resume, and find employers that may offer the type of internship you are looking for.
Internship and Job Search Resources
- US Environmental Protection Agency – Internships, fellowships, and student programs
- Global Service Corps – Volunteer abroad to work on projects in developing countries
- – Search for internships and volunteer opportunities with service and nonprofit organizations
- InternWeb – Search for internships and sign up for a free newsletter
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences – Summers of Discovery Program
- National Science Foundation – Undergraduate research opportunities in science
- State Government Internship Program – Paid internships in NC state government for all majors
- NC State Co-op Office – Enroll in alternating semesters of full-time study and full-time employment
- NC State Field Laboratories – Links to all NC State field labs and employment applications
- Student Conservation Association – Internships in environmental conservation
- USDA Poultry Programs – Student Career Experience Program
- Walt Disney World Professional Internships – Information about science-related internships including opportunities in the Animal Kingdom (animal-related) and Epcot Center (life science-related)
- Packlink – Online tool connecting students to on-campus projects
Other Resources
- Internship Checklist – How to begin your internship search experience
- Sample Internships – Organizations where CALS students have completed internships
- Internship Journal – Writing a journal during your job or internship is useful in keeping track of your professional growth and development