Adrienne Tucker

Mar 15, 2021

Farm-Level Study Shows Rising Temperatures Hurt Rice Yields

A study of the relationship between temperature and yields of various rice varieties, based on 50 years of weather and rice-yield data from farms in the Philippines, suggests that warming temperatures negatively affect rice yields.

Mar 10, 2021

Dr. Anna Stepanova Presents for Turkish University Student Congress

Dr. Anna Stepanova, Associate Professor in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology was invited to present during the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University as part of their GENCOMU Student Congress.

Mar 4, 2021

Mike Jones: Carlson Award Recipient 2020-2021

Mike Jones, recent graduate of the Economics Graduate Program has been nominated for the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award which also means he is the recipient of the 2020-2021 Carlson Award. Mike's dissertation provided timely analysis on the use of genetically engineered insects to make farming more profitable in places like the Philippines.

Feb 25, 2021

Hamilton Chiango: Drought and Physiological Changes in Maize

Hamilton Chiango from Mozambique presented his USDA-FAS Borlaug Fellowship findings for a CALS SAIGE International Seminar. The fellowship focused on finding genotypes that can resist dry soil as a result of drought, which would be a significant success for the future of farming in Mozambique. 

Feb 1, 2021

Q&A: Director Sid Thakur on How NC State’s Global Health Program is Changing the World

Thakur talks about the importance of veterinarians to global health, the program’s plans for the future and why he’s optimistic that NC State can make a real difference in addressing the world’s most pressing health challenges.

Jan 28, 2021

Intercontinental Study Sheds Light on the Microbial Life of Sourdough

In a study of 500 sourdough starters spanning four continents, scientists have garnered new insights into the environmental factors that contribute to each sourdough starter’s microbial ecosystem, and how different types of microbes influence both a sourdough’s aroma and how quickly the sourdough rises.

Jan 26, 2021

Small Business Administration Honors NC State Spinoff SinnovaTek

SinnovaTek, a spinoff company co-founded by Josip Simunovic, professor in NC State’s Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, won an award for its international impact from the Small Business Administration. SinnovaTek produces nutritious, shelf-stable foods that don’t require refrigeration, working with food processing partners around the world, most recently in Kenya.

Jan 5, 2021

Measuring Agricultural Trade Costs: Findings and Recommendations

In a new publication, “Agricultural Trade Costs”, current and former Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics faculty analyze international trade barriers.

Dec 16, 2020

Advancing Food Security and Food Safety through International Collaborations, a Seminar with Dr. Tawanda Muzhingi

The seminar with Dr. Tawanda Muzhingi from the International Potato Center highlights the impact of international collaboration in advancing food safety techniques to introduce the high nutrition orange flesh sweetpotato into the African market and impact food security.

Dec 1, 2020

Around the Globe, Groundwater Requires Local Governance

A new paper recently published by ARE faculty member, Eric Edwards, explores the incentives for cooperation and coordination required to govern groundwater around the globe. The overuse of groundwater threatens the water security of many regions in the United States, India, and China.