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Seminar: Vanessa Woods: The Biophilia Reactivity Hypothesis: Biophilia as a Domain Specific Attraction to Biodiversity
January 22, 2024 | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Date: Monday, January 22, 2024
Time: 3:00 pm
Speaker: Vanessa Woods, PhD Introduction Seminar
Title: The Biophilia Reactivity Hypothesis: Biophilia as a Domain Specific Attraction to Biodiversity
Host: Dr. Melinda Knuth
Location: 121 Kilgore / Hybrid
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/93518701321?pwd=dmgzeDlNL1dURTQzV2pXTXVkVEZBZz09
Meeting ID: 935 1870 1321
Passcode: 270314
Seminar_Vanessa Woods_1.22.24.pdf
Abstract: E.O. Wilson proposed the concept of biophilia as ‘the innately emotional affiliation of human beings with other living organisms.’ While the idea has gained traction in diverse fields, including landscape architecture and horticulture, the few empirical tests of the biophilia hypothesis are either inconclusive or fail to provide support. This talk reviews fundamental flaws in Wilson’s biophilia hypothesis and proposes ‘the Biophilia Reactivity Hypothesis’: biophilia as a temperament trait, which offers a falsifiable version of the theory.