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Seminar: Brianna Haynes: Characterization of Fruit Composition of North Carolina Strawberry Germplasm
April 24, 2024 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Brianna Haynes, MS Seminar
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 1:00 pm
(Under the direction of Dr. Gina Fernandez and Dr. Penelope Perkins-Veazie, Co-Chairs)
Location: Plants for Human Health Institute, Kannapolis, NC * / Hybrid
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/97021701273?pwd=SFBFMkNEdzh5SjBYODVWSU9ib3orQT09
Meeting ID: 970 2170 1273
Passcode: 797575
* Anyone from campus is welcome to attend PHHI if they would like (parking is free). We just have to know beforehand as the building is key card access only so we would have to let them in and through the building.
North Carolina ranks third nationally in fresh market strawberry production. Strawberry fruits are highly desired for their attractive color, sweet flavor, and nutritional benefits. The release of cultivars adapted to NC and nearby states is needed as California and Florida commercial genotypes were not developed for North Carolina’s climate and production season. The NC State strawberry breeding program germplasm (genotypes) encompasses numbered selections, commercial genotypes, and first-year seedlings. Each year, yield parameters (total, marketable, and fruit size) and disease resistance data are collected from a subset of the material that is in field trials. Fruit flavor qualitative ratings, firmness, soluble solids content, pH, and titratable acid are collected on elite germplasm only. However, the fruit composition profiles of the core germplasm pool is largely unknown. The objective of this research was to characterize strawberry fruit physicochemical and phytochemical composition profiles of strawberry germplasm from the North Carolina breeding program. The breeding program routinely conducts field trials across multiple locations to evaluate genotype performance and quality. This presented a unique opportunity to investigate the relative effects of genetics, location, and harvest date on strawberry fruit composition. The results of this study indicate that field-grown strawberries in this South Atlantic climate are more influenced by genetics and harvest date than by growing location. Strawberry genotypes (268) maintained in the North Carolina core greenhouse germplasm collection were also evaluated, representing the first instance where the entire collection was assessed together in a single comprehensive evaluation. Strawberry germplasm was found to split primarily based on strawberry type, breeding program of origin, and across fruit composition parameters. Finally, the effectiveness of colorimetry methods as a rapid and nondestructive means of predicting strawberry anthocyanin and phenolic content was followed. Results of this research provide valuable insights on North Carolina strawberry germplasm and will help guide future breeding decisions and strategies regarding the development of new commercial cultivars.