2015-Present: Extension Specialist, NC State University, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
2014-2015: Research Assistant, Clemson University
2012-2013: Scientist, Mycology & Bacteriology, Ministry for Primary Industries, Auckland, New Zealand
2008-2012: Research Assistant, Clemson University
The mission of my program is to provide a recognized extension program that delivers science-based strategies for managing plant diseases of vegetables and herbaceous ornamentals. To accomplish this goal, my program conducts research in the lab, greenhouse, and field to assess the efficacy of disease control measures and provide those strategies to stakeholders. I regularly collaborate with extension agents, industry, other faculty, and the NCSU Plant Disease and Insect Clinic to provide disease management recommendations. Extension tools used by my program include educational written publications (disease fact sheets, applied research papers, reports from field trials, etc.), oral presentations at grower meetings or scientific society meetings, websites (faculty page, lab website, departmental extension portal, commodity extension portals), field days, and visits with growers.