PP Seminar – Tiffany Lowe-Power

Speaker: Tiffany Lowe-Power Affiliation: UC Davis Title: Using high-throughput genetics to map the fitness landscape of plant pathogenic Ralstonia Website: http://lowepowerlab.ucdavis.edu/ Host (contact for individual meetings): Oliver Baars (obaars@ncsu.edu) Zoom link: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/99351917859?pwd=aUdUYU5SY3ZzemJJR0lzdHFKdTZPUT09 Passcode:  Meeting ID: 

ENT Seminar – Chris Bass

Speaker: Chris Bass Affiliation: University of Exeter Title: The molecular innovations underlying resistance to natural and synthetic xenobiotics in the aphid Myzus persicae Website: https://biosciences.exeter.ac.uk/staff/profile/index.php?web_id=Chris_Bass Host (contact for individual meetings): Hannah Burrack (hjburrac@ncsu.edu) Zoom link:  Passcode:  Meeting ID: 

PP Seminar – Asaph Aharony

Speaker: Asaph Aharony Affiliation: Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Title: Yin And Yang In The Rhizosphere: The Interplay Between Root Exudation and Microbiome Forces in the Tomato Underground World Website: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/plants/aharoni/ Host (contact for individual meetings): Pathy Fernandez (jpfernan@ncsu.edu) and Oliver Baars (obaars@ncsu.edu) […]

ENT Seminar – Zakee Sabree

Speaker: Zakee Sabree Affiliation: The Ohio State University Title: Modeling how gut microbes are integral to normal host growth and development Website: https://u.osu.edu/sabreelab/ Host (contact for individual meetings): Anna Whitfield (awhitfi@ncsu.edu) Zoom link:  Passcode:  Meeting ID: 

PP Seminar – Elizabeth Sattely

Speaker: Elizabeth Sattely Affiliation: Stanford University Title: Discovery and Engineering of Plant Chemistry for Plant and Human Health Website: https://web.stanford.edu/group/sattelygroup/cgi-bin/wordpress/elizabeth-sattely/ Host (contact for individual meetings): Oliver Baars (obaars@ncsu.edu) Zoom link: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/99351917859?pwd=aUdUYU5SY3ZzemJJR0lzdHFKdTZPUT09 Passcode:  Meeting ID: 

ENT Seminar – Russell Groves

Speaker: Russell GrovesAffiliation: University of Wisconsin-MadisonTitle: Improved risk predictions for the timing of Potato virus Y transmission and disease managementWebsite: https://vegento.russell.wisc.edu/Host (contact for individual meetings): Anders Huseth (ashuseth@ncsu.edu)Zoom link: Passcode: Meeting ID: 

PP Seminar – Ying-Yu Liao

Speaker: Ying-Yu Liao Affiliation: NC State Title: Novel compound, effectors and transcriptomics, managing diseases caused by Xanthomonas spp Website: https://cals.ncsu.edu/entomology-and-plant-pathology/people/ying-yu-liao/ Host (contact for individual meetings): Yeonyee Oh (yoh2@ncsu.edu) Zoom link: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/99351917859?pwd=aUdUYU5SY3ZzemJJR0lzdHFKdTZPUT09 Passcode:  Meeting ID: 

ENT Seminar – Priyanka Mittapelly

Speaker: Priyanka MittapellyAffiliation: USDA APHISTitle: Molecular interactions of brown marmorated stink bug with its bacterial endosymbiontWebsite: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FP6d_PkAAAAJ&hl=enHost (contact for individual meetings): Mauri Hickin (mlhickin@ncsu.edu)Zoom link: Passcode: Meeting ID: 

PP Seminar – Mizuho Nita

Speaker: Mizuho Nita Affiliation: Virginia Tech Title: Understanding species composition, infection process, and chemical management options of Colletotrichum species, the causal agents of grape ripe rot Website: http://grapepathology.org Host (contact for individual meetings): Sara Villani (sara_villani@ncsu.edu) Zoom link: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/99351917859?pwd=aUdUYU5SY3ZzemJJR0lzdHFKdTZPUT09 Passcode:  Meeting ID: