ENT Seminar – Josh Benoit

Reproductive mechanisms of Antarctic mites and midges University of Cincinnati Hosts: Dorith Rotenberg and Coby Schal   Zoom link: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/96539419744?pwd=YTcyZTlac3B4eVAzdkhlK25vd3RvUT09 Passcode: 516521 Meeting ID: 965 3941 9744

PP Seminar – Britt Koskella

Friends, Foes, and Phages in the Phyllosphere Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley Host: Alejandra Huerta Zoom link: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/99057175739?pwd=YXEwODNZenVUWGJSc1A5c2Y4dWpnZz09 Passcode: 314159 Meeting ID: 990 5717 5739