ENT Seminar – Maru Gonzalez

Speaker: Maru Gonzalez Affiliation: NC State University Title: Let's Talk about Race & Racism: Setting the Foundation for Healthy Conversations Website: https://cals.ncsu.edu/agricultural-and-human-sciences/people/maru-gonzalez-edd/ Host (contact for individual meetings): Wes Watson (wwatson@ncsu.edu) Zoom link:  Passcode:  Meeting ID: 

PP Seminar – Kevin Hockett

Speaker: Kevin Hockett Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University Title: Cat and Mouse among the leaves: Leveraging Microbial Competition in the Phyllosphere Website: https://plantpath.psu.edu/directory/klh450 Host (contact for individual meetings): Alejandra Huerta (ahuerta@ncsu.edu) Zoom link: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/99351917859?pwd=aUdUYU5SY3ZzemJJR0lzdHFKdTZPUT09 Passcode:  Meeting ID: