What is graduate school?
Graduate School allows students to further their education after undergrad to receive a Masters or a PhD. There are thousands of graduate schools located around the United States including one at NC State University.
What can I do with graduate school?
Graduate school will allow you to focus on one of your interests. For example, if you have an interest in genetics you can attend graduate school and potentially work with producers to ensure the most profitable selection of animals. Or, if you have an interest in immunology, a graduate degree in immunology can allow you to work with government and pharmaceutical companies. With graduate school your options are plentiful!
How can I prepare myself for graduate school while at NC State?
It is important to understand the rigor of graduate programs, and to display a strong propensity for academia. Having a high GPA, a thorough statement of intent (that has been reviewed by a mentor or the career center), strong recommendation letters, and robust standardized test scores are all facets of your application that you can start building as an undergraduate student.
What kind of experience is required?
Many professional graduate programs value work within the industry that you are applying for. This shows confidence in your chosen field and suggests that you are applying with clear direction. However, many admissions processes utilize a holistic approach when reviewing applications and work experience is not always necessary. The experiences gained as an undergraduate student (getting involved in research, being a teaching assistant, etc.) are considered along with a strong GPA and strong letters of recommendation.
What programs does NCSU offer?
North Carolina State offers over 100 master programs and 62 doctoral programs in many different areas. Students who wish to continue with an animal background can explore graduate programs in the animal science department.
The following is a list of programs offered by the Animal Science department. The area of studies include:
- Genetics and Genomics (MS, PhD)
- Nutrition (MS, PhD)
- Physiology (MS, PhD)
- Production Management (MS, PhD)
- Biotechnology (Grad minor)
- Animal Well-Being (Grad Minor)
Related programs of interest:
- Poultry Science (MS)
- Zoology (MS, PhD,)
- Masters of Zoology (no thesis)
- Fisheries and Wildlife (MS, PhD)
- Immunology
Where can I find more information?