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University Open House

Marye Anne Fox Science Teaching Laboratory Marye Anne Fox Science Teaching Laboratory, 2791 Pillsbury Cir., Raleigh, NC, United States

As a prospective student interested in NC State's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS), we want to connect with you at University Open House! Throughout the day, we're hosting a variety of sessions and activities to help you find your fit with CALS. 


PackAssist Opens

PackAssist is NC State University’s scholarship application portal for undergraduate, Agricultural Institute and doctor of veterinary medicine students.

CALS Spring Orientation

Talley Student Union (Piedmont Ballroom) 2610 Cates Ave, Raleigh, NC, United States

CALS Spring Orientation combines first-year, transfer and international students getting started at NC State.


Wolfpack Welcome Week

Patterson Hall 2501 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Students are welcome to drop by 111 Patterson for snacks and drinks and to meet members of the Academic Programs team.


Experience NC State

Admitted first-year students and their families are invited to join CALS on campus to discover what it's like to live and learn as a member of the Pack. Students can expect to be on campus from 8 a.m. until early to mid afternoon. The exact end time depends on the college you were admitted into.