Graduate Peer Mentor Applications Due
March 15
CALS is seeking doctoral students with 18+ hours of coursework and a desire to support fellow students to become trained peer mentors.
Graduate peer mentors will:
- Make and strengthen connections with students within and across departments.
- Contribute to the well-being of fellow graduate students.
- Receive a $1,000 award for the year.
Applications are accepted starting Feb.1: go.ncsu.edu/cals-peer-mentors
Application deadline: Mar. 15
For more information, please visit https://peermentors.cals.ncsu.edu
- Submit an event to the University calendar
Be sure to select the department “College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.” Events submitted to “College of Agriculture and Life Sciences” will be reviewed and added to the appropriate calendars.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, NC State will honor requests for reasonable accommodations made by individuals with disabilities. Direct accommodation requests to the event organizer listed on the event.