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VIEW: Alphabetical By Group
Matthew Bertone

Director - Plant Disease and Insect Clinic

Terri Billeisen

Director of Undergraduate Programs

Steve Frank

Professor and Associate Department Head

Fred Gould

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

George Kennedy

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Lorena Lopez

Assistant Extension Professor

Marce Lorenzen


Genetic Pest Management

Gareth Powell

Director, NC State Insect Collection

Dominic Reisig

Professor and Extension Specialist

Michael Reiskind

Professor and Director of Graduate Programs - Entomology

Michael Roe

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Dorith Rotenberg

Professor and Director of Graduate Programs - Plant Pathology

Coby Schal

Blanton J. Whitmire Distinguished Professor

Clyde Sorenson

Alumni Assoc. Distinguished Undergrad. Professor

James Walgenbach

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Anna Whitfield

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Brian Wiegmann

William Neal Reynolds Professor of Entomology

Anthropod Management in Plant Systems

Terri Billeisen

Director of Undergraduate Programs

Steve Frank

Professor and Associate Department Head

George Kennedy

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Dominic Reisig

Professor and Extension Specialist

Michael Roe

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Clyde Sorenson

Alumni Assoc. Distinguished Undergrad. Professor

James Walgenbach

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics

Matthew Bertone

Director - Plant Disease and Insect Clinic

Steve Frank

Professor and Associate Department Head

Fred Gould

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Michael Reiskind

Professor and Director of Graduate Programs - Entomology

Coby Schal

Blanton J. Whitmire Distinguished Professor

Clyde Sorenson

Alumni Assoc. Distinguished Undergrad. Professor

Brian Wiegmann

William Neal Reynolds Professor of Entomology

Genetics & Molecular Biology of Insects

Fred Gould

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Marce Lorenzen


Genetic Pest Management

Michael Roe

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Dorith Rotenberg

Professor and Director of Graduate Programs - Plant Pathology

Coby Schal

Blanton J. Whitmire Distinguished Professor

Anna Whitfield

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Brian Wiegmann

William Neal Reynolds Professor of Entomology

Insect Microbe and Pathogen Interactions

Dorith Rotenberg

Professor and Director of Graduate Programs - Plant Pathology

Coby Schal

Blanton J. Whitmire Distinguished Professor

Anna Whitfield

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Structural Urban, Medical and Veterinary Entomology

Michael Reiskind

Professor and Director of Graduate Programs - Entomology

Michael Roe

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor

Coby Schal

Blanton J. Whitmire Distinguished Professor

Michael Waldvogel

Associate Extension Professor Emeritus