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Alumni Recognition

Each year, the CALS Alumni and Friends Society recognizes distinguished and outstanding alumni for their achievements and support of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and NC State University.

2024 Distinguished and Outstanding Alumni Honored

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences celebrated its alumni award winners on Sept. 13. Find out how they’re making an impact.

a group of people stand over the NC State university logo

Distinguished Alumni Award

Two awards are given to CALS alumni for their outstanding career achievements, which have brought honor to the college, and for their commitment to the land-grant principle of service to community, state and nation.

2023Debbie HamrickHorticultural Science
2023William UpchurchAgricultural and Human Sciences
2022Bryan BlinsonAnimal Science
2022Dr. I. Phillip SniderMolecular and Structural Biochemistry
2021Dr. Charles SuggsBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2021Dr. Pam MarroneEntomology and Plant Pathology
2021Maj. Gen. Timothy PeppeFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2020Jimmy GentryAgricultural and Human Sciences (Agricultural Education)
2019Dr. Richard ReichCrop and Soil Sciences
2019Keith ShoemakerPrestage Department of Poultry Science
2018Mr. Anthony “Tony” AventHorticultural Science
2018Dr. Alan AyersEntomology and Plant Pathology
2017Dr. Johnny C. WynneCrop Science
2017Mr. Cal E. Lewis, Jr.Horticulture Science
2016Mr. John C. Howard, Jr.Agricultural Institute
2016Dr. Joseph GordonAnimal Science
2015Dr. Wanda CollinsPlant Pathology
2015Commissioner Steve TroxlerScience – Conservation
2014Dr. William Collins Sr.Agronomy
2014Mr. Windell TalleyPoultry Science
2013Mr. E. Carroll JoynerAnimal Science
2013Dr. Ram Badan SinghGenetics
2012Mr. Jessie Thomas BunnCrop Science
2012Dr. Charles W. Stuber, Sr.Genetics
2011Dr. S. Elizabeth GeorgeMicrobiology
2011Mr. H. Connor Kennett, Jr.Poultry Science
2010Dr. Prabhu PinagliPoole College of Management
2010Mr. Mike deGruyZoology
2009Calvin McNeill, MDBiological Sciences
2009Mr. E. Norris TolsonCrop Science
2008Mr. Larry B. WootenAnimal Science
2008Catherine M. Gordon, MDBiochemistry
2007Mr. A. Tab Williams, Jr.Field Crops
2007Dr. L. Wiley NifongPoultry Science
2006Mr. Kendall P. HillHorticulture
2006Dr. David A. ThompsonZoology
2005Mr. William H. Culpepper Jr.Crop Science
2005Dr. Jerry L. PunchZoology
2004Dr. Larry M. SykesBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2004Mr. Robert Mark FlemingZoology
2003Dr. Warren M. CaseyBiochemistry/Microbiology
2003Dr. Mark D. StowersMicrobiology
2002Ms. Lois G. BrittAdult Education
2002Dr. Michael A. LutherBiological Sciences
2001Dr. Durward F. BatemanBotany
2001Mr. S. Lawrence DavenportCrop Science
2000Commisioner James A. GrahamAgricultural Education
2000Dr. Arthur KelmanPlant Pathology
1999Mr. Charles (Buddy) L. Gaither, Jr.Food Science
1999Dr. Philip BuchananGenetics
1998Mr. William E. HolmanBiological Sciences
1998Dr. Joseph D. CoffeyEconomics
1997Governor James B. HuntAgricultural Education
1997Dr. Russell Flowers, Jr.Food Science
1996Governor Robert ScottAnimal Industry
1996Dr. Paula Y. SmithZoology
1995Mr. William Bobbit JenkinsAgriculture
1995Dr. T. Ming ChuBiochemistry
1994Dr. S. Eugene YountsAgricultural Education/Agronomy
1993Dr. F. Eugene HesterWildlife Conservation and Management
1992Mr. Marshall W. GrantAgriculture
1991Mr. James F. Wilder, Sr.Agricultural Education
1990Dr. H. Marc CatheyHorticulture
1989Dr. A. Max LennonAnimal Industry/Animal Science
1988Mr. Robert J. BowersAgricultural Education
1987Mr. Frank B. BoyetteAgricultural Education
1986Mr. Donald W. MabePoultry Science
1985Mr. M. Edmund AycockAgriculture
1984Mr. Norfleet L. SuggField Crops
1983Mr. G. Brantley DeLoatcheAgricultural Education
1982The Honorable T. Clyde AumanAgriculture
1981Mr. Frank A. HarrisAnimal Industry
1980Mr. L. Marion DildayField Crops
1979Mr. Joe S. SuggAgriculture
1978Mr. James S. MeltonHorticulture
1977Dr. J. W. PouAnimal Production
1976Mr. Carl T. HicksTextiles
1975Dr. William B. GriffinAgronomy
1974Mr. George M. WoodField Crops

Outstanding Alumni Award

The Outstanding Alumni Award recognizes CALS graduates who have excelled in their chosen fields and demonstrated a record of service.

2023Laura ParkerAgricultural & Human Sciences
2023Carroll McLawhornAgricultural Institute-Livestock Mgmt. and Tech
2023Nelson PowellAgricultural & Resource Economics
2023Dr. Rosemary SiffordAnimal Science
2023Dr. Ellen DamschenApplied Ecology
2023Dr. Marlon Breve ReyesBiological & Agricultural Engineering
2023Dr. Sandy StewartCrop & Soi Sciences
2023Dr. Allan HruskaEntomology & Plant Pathology
2023Dr. Jennifer McMillenFood, Bioprocessing & Nutrition Sciences
2023Walter HavenerHorticultural Science
2023Dr. Mary SliwkowskiMolecular & Structural Biochemistry
2023Dr. William “Bill” GillettePlant & Microbial Biology
2023Dr. Kymberly Mae GowdyPrestage Department of Poultry Science
2022Dr. Mark BlevinsAgricultural & Human Sciences
2022Brad WestAgricultural Institute – Livestock Mgmt and Tech; Field Crops Technology; Agribusiness Management
2022Dr. James W. OwensAgricultural & Resource Economics
2022Dr. Barbara DurrantAnimal Science
2022M. Kyle BriggsApplied Ecology
2022Dr. Sydney SeymourBiological & Agricultural Engineering
2022Dallas BarnesCrop & Soi Sciences
2022Dr. Bruce MartinEntomology & Plant Pathology
2022Mandy TaylorFood, Bioprocessing & Nutrition Sciences
2022Dr. Aurora BaltazarHorticultural Science
2022Lavanya Vaidya Nagaraj, MDMolecular & Structural Biochemistry
2022Dr. Wade WallPlant & Microbial Biology
2022Dr. Caitlin BoonPrestage Department of Poultry Science
2021Tommy HerringAnimal Science
2021Weston McCorkleAgricultural and Human Sciences
2021Shawn HardingAgricultural Institute – Field Crops Technology
2021Donny LassiterAgricultural and Resource Economics
2021Dr. Elsa YoungsteadtApplied Ecology
2021Dr. Rafeal Munoz-CarpenaBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2021Dr. Harold CobleCrop and Soil Science
2021Dr. Douglas AnspaughEntomology and Plant Pathology
2021Dr. Katie MaloneyFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2021Dr. Kathie KalmowitzHorticultural Science
2021Chad BentonMolecular and Structural Biochemistry
2021Jacob TraversePlant and Microbial Biology (Microbiology)
2021Dr. Donald McIntyrePrestage Department of Poultry Science
2019Matt HarrisAgricultural and Human Sciences
2019Kaye HarrisAgricultural and Human Sciences
2019Stephanie JonesAgricultural and Human Sciences
2019AB ParkerAgricultural Institute – Turfgrass Management
2019Dr. Ashok MishraAgricultural and Resource Economics
2019Leopoldo MirandaApplied Ecology
2019Dr. Sue NokesBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2019Dr. Deanna OsmondCrop and Soil Sciences
2019Dr. Donald RutzEntomology and Plant Pathology
2019Dr. Barbara ShewEntomology and Plant Pathology
2019Dr. Prabhat KumarFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2019Dr. Michael ArnoldHorticultural Science
2019Dr. I Philip SniderMolecular and Structural Biochemistry
2019Ronald GagliardoPlant and Microbial Biology
2019Dr. Deana JonesPrestage Department of Poultry Science
2018Ray StarlingAgricultural and Human Sciences
2018Daniel MeasellAgricultural and Resource Economics
2018Bill WarrenAgricultural Institute – Livestock Mgmt and Tech
2018John PrestageAnimal Science
2018Christian WatersApplied Ecology
2018Ray Best IIBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2018Dr. Sergio AbitCrop and Soil Sciences
2018Dr. Jeff VaughanCrop and Soil Sciences
2018Dr. Marc CubetaEntomology and Plant Pathology
2018Dr. Jonathan MerkleFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2018Tammy EllingtonHorticultural Science
2018Dr. Chad JordanPlant and Microbial Biology
2018Dr. Andrew YersinPrestage Department of Poultry Science
2017Bryan BlinsonAnimal Science
2017Larry CoatsBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2017Dr. Curt EmenhiserFood Science
2017Dr. Gabe GuminiHorticultural Science
2017Joe HamptonPoultry Science
2017Joy HicksAgricultural and Resource Economics
2017Brian JenningsAgricultural Institute – Agri Equipment Technology
2017Dr. James NoahBiochemistry
2017Dr. Gary PayneCrop and Soil Science
2017Dr. John RichardsonAgricultural Education
2017Dr. Amy SheckEntomology and Plant Pathology
2017Dr. Clyde SorensonEntomology and Plant Pathology
2016Dr. Maria AndradeHorticultural Science
2016Dr. Gary BenzonEntomology and Plant Pathology
2016Dr. A. Stanley CulpepperCrop and Soil Science
2016Dr. Maria GalloCrop and Soil Science?
2016Dr. Pam MarroneEntomology and Plant Pathology
2016Dr. Robert O.M. MwangaHorticultural Science
2016Dr. Samuel ParduePoultry Science
2016Dr. Mickey ParishFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2016Sepi SaidiBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2016Kevin SargeBiochemistry
2016Vincent SmithAgricultural and Resource Economics
2016Dr. R. Marshall StewartAgricultural Education
2016Jerry WordsworthAgricultural Institute – Livestock Mgmt and Tech
2015Dr. Kate BargerPoultry Science and Animal Science
2015Gwen ClarkAgricultural Education
2015Dr. Pablo CoronelFood Science
2015Charles Easton, Sr.Agricultural Institute – Livestock Mgmt and Tech
2015Dr. Barry GoodwinAgricultural and Resource Economics
2015Dr. Laura HarringtonEntomology and Plant Pathology
2015James HippsBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2015Dr. Karen JordanAnimal Science
2015Norman Jordan, Jr.Animal Science
2015Dr. Michael MullenCrop and Soil Science
2015Dr. Richard OlsenHorticultural Science
2015Richard SmithAgricultural Institute – Agriculture
2014Dr. Luis ArauzPlant Pathology
2014Dr. Travis BurkeAgricultural and Extension Education
2014John ConnorsApplied Ecology
2014Chad GoreEntomology
2014Dr. David HardySoil Science
2014Dr. Dan LinebergerHorticultural Science
2014Dr. Jose Montejano-GaitanFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Science
2014Dr. Daniel PompAnimal Science
2014Bryant SpiveyCrop Science
2014Michael StoneAgricultural and Resource Economics
2014Dr. Kenneth SwartzelBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2014Linwood VickAgricultural Institute – Field Crops Technology
2014Charlotte VickAgricultural Institute – Field Crops Technology
2014Lynn Worley-DavisPrestage Department of Poultry Science
2013David AndersonPrestage Department of Poultry Science
2013Lawrence F. BaldwinSoil Science
2013Robert E. Eplee *posthumousCrop Science
2013Dr. F. Eugene HesterApplied Ecology
2013P. Jart Hudson, Jr.Agricultural and Resource Economics
2013Robert C. HuntAnimal Science
2013Douglas A. LandisEntomology
2013W. Frank LeeAgricultural Institute – Agricultural Pest Control
2013Ronald L. MarlowBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2013Livia MarquésHorticultural Science
2013Harold H. SchmitzFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2013William B. Upchurch, Jr.Agricultural and Extension Education
2012Mr. Gerald K. BarloweAgricultural Education
2012Dr. Robert E. CookGenetics (Poultry)
2012Dr. Godfrey A. GayleBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2012Mr. William A. HobbsAgricultural Economics
2012Mr. E. Allen JamesBiological Sciences
2012Dr. Randy G. JonesAnimal Science
2012Mr. William M. McLawhorn, Jr.Agronomy
2012Mr. Wendell H. Murphy, Jr.Agricultural Institute – Livestock Mgmt and Tech
2012Dr. Mary Ellen SandersFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2012Dr. Steven R. ShaferPlant Pathology
2012Dr. Giles C. ShihMicrobiology
2012Mr. Jeremy R. SmearmanHorticultural Science
2012Mr. Roy L. Vick, Jr.Science – Conservation
2011Roger BlackCrop Science
2011Jack H. BrittAnimal Science
2011Anne Fratzke CoanSoil Science
2011Anita P. Flick, MDBiology
2011Karl F. Hehl, Jr.Agricultural Institute – Livestock Mgmt and Tech
2011James W. JonesBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2011Danny R. McConnellHorticultural Science
2011Mary K. MuthAgricultural and Resource Economics
2011W. Steven OtwellFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2011Henry E. SchafferGenetics
2011Dr. Ronald W. ShearonAgricultural and Extension Education
2011Michael WaldvogelEntomology
2011Dr. Anita A. PasachallBiology
2010Robert BashfordBiology
2010Fuller BazerAnimal Science
2010Don R. DurhamMicrobiology
2010Lester GrayPoultry Science
2010Richard HartlageHorticulture Science
2010Ronald HeddlesonFood, Bioprocessing, and Nutrition Sciences
2010Barrett L. KaysSoil Science
2010Charles KeelsAgricultural and Extension Education
2010Dr. Jeremy McNeilEntomology
2010Joseph W. ReardonAgricultural Institute – Food Processing Dist & Ser
2010George H. ScottCrop Science
2010Charles William Stuber, Sr.Genetics
2010Charles SuggsBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2010Dr. Elizabeth TranBiochemistry
2009Jud AmmonsBAE
2009Dr. Jeffrey ArmstrongAnimal Science
2009Dr. Alan AyersBS Zoology, PHD Plant Pathology
2009Dr. Robert BestToxicology/Genetics
2009Dr. Carl Edward CernigiliaMicrobiology
2009Mr Raeford DaughtryAg Education
2009JoAnna T. FoegedingFood Science
2009Dr. Patricia Young HesterPoultry Science
2009Kevin C MartinSoil Science
2009Kevin Patrick McNewARE
2009Brenda T. PennyAgricultural Institute – General Agriculture
2009Mark A. PetersHorticultural Science
2008Frank B. EdwardsFood Science
2008James F. WilderAg and Ext Ed
2008Dr. Todd TalaricoMicrobiology
2008Reggie StricklandAgricultural Institute – Agribusiness Management
2008Mark SliwkowskiBiochemistry
2008William “Bill” MeyerSoil Science
2008Becky RhodesAgronomy
2008Dr. Neil RhodesCrop Science
2008Dr. Thomas B. WhitakerBAE
2008Calvin “Cal” E. Lewis, Jr.Horticultural Science
2008Glenn T. PettyAnimal Science
2008Lynn Lawry MD, MSPH, MScZoology
2008Mike Kidd, Ph.D.Animal Science
2007Dr. Grant M. ScobieAgriculture & Resource Economics
2007Dr. Larry M. SykesBiological & Agricultural Engineering
2007Dr. Suzanne E. CaseFood Science
2007Dr. S. Elizabeth GeorgeMicrobiology
2007Richard H. BrooksSoil Science
2007James “Jim” I. SmithAnimal Industry
2007Commissioner Steven W. TroxlerCrop Science
2007Dr. George T. EverettZoology
2007Dr. Larry E. PriceAgricultural Education
2007Dr. Jerry J. BaronHorticultural Science
2007Keith ShoemakerAgricultural Economics/ Poultry Science
2007George W. Rivenbark, Jr.Agricultural Institute – Field Crops Tech; Livestock Mgmt and Tech
2006Zack Frank LaddAgricultural Education
2006James T. Hill, Jr.Animal Industry/Agricultural Education
2006Larry B. WootenAnimal Science
2006Elijah J. TysonAgricultural Engineering
2006Dr. John W. Ezzell, Jr.Microbiology
2006V. Leroy JacksonAgronomy
2006William S. (Bill) LammAgronomy
2006Dr. Barbara A. BlakistoneFood Science
2006Dr. Rebecca Bullard-DillardBiochemistry
2006Robert B. KornegayAgricultural Institute – General Agriculture
2005George Blum, Jr.Agricultural Engineering
2005P. Allen HammerHorticultural Science
2005Dr. Leigh H. HammondAg and Resource Economics
2005Dr. Henry F. HowdenEntomology
2005E. Carroll JoynerAnimal Industry
2005Rep. James H. Langdon, Jr.Agricultural Education
2005Dr. James M. LigonMicrobiology
2005Dr. John J. MilesFood Science
2005Dr. Richard C. ReichAgronomy/Soil Science
2005Dr. Ernest D. SenecaBotany
2005Thomas R. SheltonPoultry Science
2005Dr. Brian D. StrahlBiochemistry
2004Dr. Lynn G. TurnerFood Science
2004Beth Eakes TurnerFood Science
2004Eric C. BrinsfieldZoology
2004H. Marc CatheyHorticultural Science
2003William Samuel EnloeHorticulture
2003Timothy A. PeppeFood Science
2003Dr. Karl D. SmithZoology
2003Debbie HamrickHorticultural Science
2002Rex McDonaldHorticultural Science
2001Dr. Donald F. CrossanPlant Pathology
2001Louis E. CullipherSoils
2001Brig. Gen. Stancil L.DildaAgricultural Engineering
2001Susan D. RollinsAgricultural Institute – Flowers, Nursery, and Crops Technology
2000Donald N. MaynardHorticultural Science
1999Kendall P. HillHorticultural Science
1998Joseph C. StoffregenHorticultural Science
1997Tony AventHorticultural Science

Outstanding Young Alumni Award

This award recognizes former CALS students who have excelled early in their careers and show potential for continued success.

2023Dr. Joy Morgan FlemingAgricultural and Human Sciences
2023Kayla HowellAgricultural Institute – Agribusiness Management
2023W. Justin SomersAgricultural & Resource Economics
2023Christina PhillipsAnimal Science
2023Dr. Augustin “Gus” EngmanApplied Ecology
2023Joseph “Joe” WrightBiological & Agricultural Engineering
2023Nicole YoungbloodCrop & Soil Sciences
2023Dr. Kimberly N. D’ArcangeloEntomology & Plant Pathology
2023Aaron AndersFood, Bioprocessing & Nutrition Sciences
2023Dr. Stephen “Steve” MeyersHorticultural Science
2023Dr. Laura HerringMolecular & Structural Biochemistry
2023Dr. DurreShahwar “Durre” MuhammadPlant & Mircobial Biology
2023Dr. Coltin CarawayPrestage Dept. of Poultry Science
2022Jacqueline KnowlesAgricultural & Human Sciences
2022Taylor McDonaldAgricultural & Human Sciences
2022Sarah MaddryAgricultural Institute – Livestock and Poultry Mgmt
2022Dr. Xu HanAgricultural & Resource Economics
2022Kyle MayberryAnimal Science
2022Dr. Jared BalikApplied Ecology
2022Jared DayBiological & Agricultural Engineering
2022Dr. Katherine Drake StoweCrop & Soil Sciences
2022Dr. Adam DaleEntomology & Plant Pathology
2022Dr. Natalie CookeFood, Bioprocessing & Nutrition Sciences
2022David HoffmanHorticultural Science
2022Dr. Peter ThompsonMolecular & Structural Biochemistry
2022Dr. Jesse NoarPlant and Microbial Biology
2022Dr. Krista KrishPrestage Dept. of Poultry Science
2021Dr. Justin FixAnimal Science
2021Lendy JohnsonAgricultural and Human Sciences (Agricultural and Extension Education)
2021Aaron BlackmonAgricultural Institute – Livestock and Poultry Mgmt
2021Bethany Barnes AllisonAgricultural and Resource Economics
2021Dr. Erin McKenneyApplied Ecology
2021Dr. Deepak KeshwaniBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2021Dr. Colby MoorbergCrop and Soil Sciences
2021Dr. Joseph RobertsEntomology and Plant Pathology (Plant Pathology)
2021Andrew ScruggsEntomology and Plant Pathology (Plant Pathology)
2021Dr. Virginia StageFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2021Dr. Alician CarlsonHorticultural Science
2021Dr. Brad KearneyMolecular and Structural Biochemistry
2021Dr. Susan “Evy” JaconisPlant and Microbial Biology (Plant Biology)
2021Dr. JT PopePrestage Department of Poultry Science
2019Dr. Sara HoughAnimal Science
2019Dr. Jamie AlexanderAgricultural and Human Sciences (Youth, Family and Community Sciences)
2019Katie MillsAgricultural and Human Sciences (Agricultural and Extension Education)
2019Silas Charles CraigAgricultural Institute – Ornamentala and Landscape Tech
2019Adam LytchAgricultural and Resource Economics
2019Dr. James MorleyApplied Ecology
2019Brandon BattenBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2019Dr. Matthew VannCrop and Soil Science
2019Dr. Kevin DonohueEntomology and Plant Pathology
2019Dr. Courtney GallupEntomology and Plant Pathology
2019Ali McDaniel HillFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2019Dr. Elizabeth RileyHorticultural Science
2019Shanna ChriscoePlant and Microbial Biology
2019Dr. Devorah StowePrestage Department of Poultry Science
2018Mr. Aaron L. FlemingAgricultrual and Human Sciences (Agricultural and Extension Education)
2018Ms. Rasha M. El-BeshtiAgricultural and Human Sciences (Youth, Family and Community Sciences)
2018Ms. Callie P. McAdamsAgricultural and Resource Economics
2018Mr. Joshua P. StallsAgricultural Institute – Agribusiness Management; Livestock and Poultry Mgmt; General Agriculture
2018Dr. Megan S. InskeepAnimal Science
2018Dr. Stephen R. MidwayApplied Ecology
2018Mrs. Nicole BridgersBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2018Dr. Brooke W. BissingerEntomology and Plant Pathology
2018Ms. Leann M. BardenFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2018Mrs. Dana H. MasseyHorticultural Science
2018Dr. Erik J. SoderblomMolecular and Structural Biochemistry
2018Dr. Zachary S. LowmanPrestage Department of Poultry Science
2017Mrs. Ashley W. CollinsAgricultural and Human Sciences
2017Mr. Jeremy W. CrispAgricultural and Human Sciences
2017Mr. W. Carl HollifieldAgricultural and Resource Economics
2017Mr. Nicholas H. DupreeAgricultural Institute – Field Crops Technology
2017Dr. Jeremy S. PittmanAnimal Science
2017Dr. Dana K. SackettApplied Ecology
2017Dr. Matthew P. JonesBiological and Agricultural Engineering
2017Mr. William Tyler WhaleyCrop and Soil Sciences
2017Dr. James P. KernsEntomology & Plant Pathology
2017Dr. Helen S. JoynerFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2017Dr. Casey M. TheriotPlant and Microbial Biology
2017Mr. Wesley R. WilsonPrestage Dept of Poultry Science
2016Ms. Kristen N. BaughmanAgricultural and Human Sciences
2016Dr. Kristin Shawn StairAgricultural and Human Sciences
2016Ms.Martha I. Santillan-CarrilloAgricultural and Human Sciences
2016Mrs. Melanie S. BallAgricultural and Resource Economics
2016Mr. Keith T. KornegayAgricultural Institute – Livestock and Poultry Mgmt
2016Dr. Stephanie L. HansenAnimal Science
2016Dr. Nathan BachelerApplied Ecology
2016Mr. Shawn C. TroxlerCrop & Soil Sciences
2016Dr. Joseph P. DoskocilEntomology and Plant Pathology
2016Dr. Melissa Goellner MitchumEntomology and Plant Pathology
2016Dr. April Piercey FoglemanFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2016Dr. Keith D. Gagnon, Jr.Molecular and Structural Biochemistry
2016Dr. Stephanie L. GuptonPlant and Microbial Biology
2016Dr. Daniel T. MoorePrestage Department of Poultry Science
2015Sterling SmithAgricultural Institute – Livestock and Poultry Mgmt; General Agriculture; Agribusiness Management
2015Tara KingAgricultural and Extension Education
2015Sara LaneAgricultural and Resource Economics
2015Todd ArmstrongAnimal Science
2015James MorrisApplied Ecology
2015Tiffany A. BrinleyFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2015Brian JacksonHorticultural Science
2014Mr. Wesley WootenAgricultural Institute – Pest Management Control
2014Dr. Adrienne CrosierAnimal Science
2014Mr. James Simpson Jr.Crop Science
2014Dr. Jack DavisFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2014Ms. Sonja MitchellYouth, Family & Community Sciences
2013Valaree L. ReeseAgricultural Institute – Agribusiness Management
2013Amanda L. Guthrie, DVMAnimal Science
2013Sarah R. ThompsonEntomology
2013Qixin ZhongFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2013Sarah Ilene MenserSoil Science
2012Ms. Kathryn P. DavisBiochemistry
2012Mr. Kurt H. BlandHorticultural Science
2011Jennifer Roney GwynAgricultural and Extension Education
2011Paul Hampton ZigasHistory, Biochemistry
2011Dr. Randolphe BarrangouFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2010Ray A. StarlingAgricultural and Extension Education
2010Dr. Jennifer M. ZurneyMicrobiology
2010Dr. Heather M. HudsonFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2009Joshua B. WilliamsonARE
2009Dr. Mary Elizabeth WhetstineFood Science
2008Cynthia D. GigandetAgricultural Business Management
2008Kate BargerAnimal Science
2008Dr. Arnie I. SairFood, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
2008Dr. Katherine B. WeathersAnimal Science
2007Donny L. LassiterAgricultural Business Management/Ext. Ed.
2007Robyn R. JonesFood Science
2006Erica B. HancheyFood Science
2006Amanda E. PatnaudMicrobiology
2006Wendell L. TalleyPoultry Science
2005William B. Upchurch, Jr.Extension Education
2005Dr. Bridget M. DegeleZoology/Biochemistry
2004Sharon Bass RogersAnimal Science
2004Charles (Charlie) E. SolomonPoultry Science
2003Joshua B. BledsoeAgricultural Education
2003David F. CorrellAnimal Science