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Author: D'Lyn Ford

Asian woman in red graduation cap and gown

Dec 7, 2020

Nutrition Grad Finds Ways to Promote Wellness, from Virtual Reality to YouTube

A passion for food and fitness motivates Yue "Gabby" Xiong. 

Nov 30, 2020

Experts You Can Count On

NC State's extension food safety experts provided training to help North Carolina restaurants reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now they're leading a national team. 

Nov 23, 2020

A Fruitful Family Legacy

The Underwoods’ story has it all. World War II drama and romance. Agriculture and art. Basketball legend David Thompson. And memories preserved in fruit. 

Andrew Berley in airplane cockpit

Nov 16, 2020

A Peek at the Future

High-achieving student Andrew Berley's goals involve helping solve world hunger. That's why he's added a plant biology major to his studies. 

A restaurant server making three tacos

Oct 26, 2020

USDA to Fund NC State-Led Group on COVID-19 Food Safety

NC State experts are leading a national team that will study and share recommendations on preventing transmission of the novel coronavirus at every stage of food production. 

Lisbeth Carolina Arias with clothing she designed

Jul 15, 2020

Alumna Designs and Donates Masks with Farmworker Safety in Mind

Designer Lisbeth Carolina Arias’ latest creation, colorful cloth masks, will help protect farmworkers in North Carolina through a partnership with NC State Extension. 

Desk with laptop and strawberry measuring equipment

Jun 30, 2020

Berrying On

This year's berry crops yielded lessons in adaptability for Extension experts. They weighed strawberries in the garage, delivered masks to farms, connected via technology and never stopped listening. 

May 7, 2020

Until We Meet Again

Ph.D. graduate Matthew Warren leaves a legacy of nutrition research and peer mentoring at NC State as he takes on a new biomedical science position. 

Supermarket shopper pushing cart past empty refrigerator cases

Apr 22, 2020

Q&A: Food Supply Chain, Disrupted

The coronavirus pandemic has made us all more aware of where our food comes from. Two agricultural economists explain how the food supply chain works and how it's adapting. 

butchered meat

Apr 13, 2020

Shoppers, Meat Your Local Farmer

A new web directory called connects consumers with more than 70 farmers across the state selling pasture-raised meat in bulk.