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Author: D'Lyn Ford

spotted beetle on a white flower

Jun 28, 2023

Meet Pollinators That Flap, Creep or Scurry

Bees take center stage during National Pollinator Month. But did you know that not all pollinators buzz? 

glass of chocolate milk

Jun 20, 2023

How Dairy Drinks Help Fuel Athletes

Sports nutrition experts say, when it’s time for a post-workout drink, trade that gator for a cow. A Howling Cow. 

Profiles of three people standing in a field during sunset

Jun 7, 2023

Triple Digits: North Carolina Agricultural Impact Tops $100 Billion

North Carolina agriculture rebounds from pandemic challenges and sets a new record for economic impact. 


May 16, 2023

Science Communicator Makes a Splash

Whether she's teaching students or swimming with sharks, Michelle Jewell with the Department of Applied Ecology finds inspiring ways to share science. 

Woman admiring snowy mountain view

Apr 25, 2023

Anna Gessner: Wide-Open Opportunities

CALS graduating senior Anna Gessner teamed up with Feed the Pack and prepared herself for a health care career while earning a nutrition degree. 

A group selfie of Carolyn Young with female colleagues

Mar 28, 2023

Grassroots Approach to Leadership

Carolyn Young, head of the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, says mentors encouraged her to pursue higher education and take on leadership roles. Now she does the same for others. 

Former student with her mentor

Mar 8, 2023

High Degree of Influence

Nannette Smith was the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D. from NC State in 1973. What happened before and after she earned her doctorate in plant pathology? We caught up with her to find out. 

a young male smiling for a camera

Feb 1, 2023

Javian McMillan: Challenge Yourself, Find Community

As a North Carolina FFA State Officer, Javian McMillan inspires other students to trust their instincts and follow their dreams. It’s advice the Goodnight Scholar, animal science major and aspiring veterinarian takes to heart. 

Queen bee surrounded by her other bees in her colony.

Jan 31, 2023

Vaccination for Bees Doesn’t Sting

The first product approved to immunize insects could help beekeepers, and it won't hurt bees a bit. Really. 

White woman showing broccoli to preschool children

Oct 26, 2021

Healthy Start: Alumna Virginia Stage Adds Science, Nutrition in Preschool

NC State alumna Virginia Stage, a nutrition researcher, leads programs to introduce science and nutrition in preschool.