Entomology Seminar – Bradley Dickerson

3503 Thomas Hall – Stephens Room

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill It’s about time: the halteres of Drosophila act as multifunctional sensory organs

NCARS Assistant Director Candidate Seminar

https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/93331507473 , United States

Amy Grunden, a William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, and candidate for the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS) Assistant Director, Life Sciences position will present on her vision for the position on […]

Gardens of the World Part Two: Western European Wonders

In this six-week installment of “Gardens of the World” we will travel to some of my favorite gardens in France, Italy, Germany, and Spain. Come visit Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny France, beautiful island villa gardens of Northern Italy, some of the most stunning gardens along the Mediterranean, and so much more. As we tour these gardens, I’ll identify gardening lessons we can learn and apply in our own gardens!